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Comment Re: Who chose to pursue this case? (Score 2) 644

As for the sperm party, the point of the party is so that the mom can honestly say she doesn't know who the possible father is. As for DNA having a damn thing to do whether or not you can get ordered to pay child support, that is an urban legend.

I'm not sure your if trolling or ignorant, but I'll bite for the people that could be misled into thinking actually biological fatherhood would have anything to do with child support. Many states do not give the father any opportunity to challenge paternity. If your married, named by the mother and don't receive the summons to court in time or even simply live with a woman long enough you can be ordered to pay child support. There are countless examples of men who have been ordered to pay child support for a child that isn't there's.

A recent law was proposed that would end the absurdity of paying child support for kids that aren't yours in the State of Washington:

Comment Re:Who chose to pursue this case? (Score 1) 644

I take it you have no issue with men reading about cases like this and refusing to be a sperm donor then? There's a huge shortage of sperms donors as it is and lesbian couples in particular have a large waiting list. Attitudes like yours are why this shortage exists and why it will only get worse. Do you have the same attitude about women that refuse to pay child support or contribute to the financial welfare of their kids?

Comment Re: Who chose to pursue this case? (Score 1) 644

What a crock, even for the lesbians that have only ever been lesbians (that's a lot less than the total), they will often take steps to help avoid exactly this scenario. The solution often involves several gay or gay friendly men and a sperm donor party. The entire point of having several men donate is to avoid having one take the child support hit.

Comment Re:Mod the parent up. (Score 1) 213

Around that time welfare laws were written that only provided benefits if the child was born out of wedlock. Before that blacks actually had just as high of rate of marriage as whites in the US. At the time it was thought that welfare should only be for families where the father couldn't support the child and the cash was set to follow that idea. You only got the cash if you didn't have a family, the results of which have been widely documented.

Comment Re:Dont do anyone any favors (Score 5, Informative) 644

A woman can still get benefits without naming the possible dad. My ex did it with the kid she had before she met me and she was far from alone. The mother chose to name the Dad because then she gets benefits and child support. She's letting the state be the bad guy to keep the blame off of her for her own greed. Quit making excuses for others malicious behavior.

Comment Re:Who chose to pursue this case? (Score 5, Insightful) 644

Get real, mothers tell the state that they don't know who the possible father is every day. You have obviously never looked at how the process works. The mother could have avoided the entire situation by declining to name the man, and still gotten the benefits.

She chose to name the man and is letting the state of Kansas play the bad guy for her own benefit. She used him to get what she was otherwise unwilling to do and has now burned the guy that naively helped out a lesbian couple without having a lawyer on board.

Quit calling a spade a duck and offering an excuse for her abominable behavior.

Comment Fevers are good (Score 1) 351

Medical professionals have been saying for sometime now that you need to let a fever run it's course. To give an idea how much things have changed I once brought my child into the emergency room for a fever of 105.

I was then made to sign a piece of paper saying that I would not do so again for a temperature that low. Mind you this was the first time I had ever brought my child into the emergency room for a fever. Here's something from the Mayo clinic saying not to even take tyenol below a fever of 102

Comment The ones that make you competitive (Score 1) 387

You have to learn the technologies that make you competitive in the job market. Your competition isn't the guy down the street, it's the guy in India or other like countries. You have to substantially market yourself against someone that could be making as little as 1/6th what you make now. In order to do that you have to have the skills that they can't bring to the market or that they don't tend to have. Any type of skills that requires personal presence is well worth adding.

Any skills that could be commoditized by and large have been by the likes of IBM to feed their outsourcing work. Remember that they focus on training up people for outsourcing and tend to stick to basic skills that can be marketed across a wide range of contracts.

If you really want to know what to focus on just go to the Indian versions of Monster, Dice and see what is in demand. Find what isn't in demand there but is in demand locally and is difficult to outsource. Specialist jobs are good for this as are consulting jobs as they are difficult or not worth the effort to outsource to India.

If you have a generic resume that only contains basic skills in wide usage you are extremely vulnerable to outsourcing. You will also have a difficult time landing a job once you have a few years experience and aren't fresh kid out of college cheap.

Comment Re:So what happens to the hydrogen? That's usable. (Score 1) 375

More to the point of the battery is that good why aren't they trying to sell the battery technology. This is a battery that they claim is 30 times smaller, charges 1000 times faster and built well enough to be used as a critical life support system. That market would be far larger than the scuba market and make them far more money. This doesn't pass the sniff test.

Comment Re:Pointless (Score 2) 197

Of course your conveniently forgetting the largest period of relative peace the world has ever known came about because of nuclear weapons hanging over peoples heads. I'm fairly certain the cost of another world war would pretty quickly outweigh the costs of nuclear arms.

Let's not forget that tens of millions were killed in world wars before nuclear weapons were around and countless millions that have been slaughtered with conventional arms. I know it kills your hyperbole, but reality is like that.

Comment Re:Also, (Score 1) 317

People count on useful idiots like you. Stalin considered people like yourself to be critical for success. Tyrants and dictators depend on useful idiots to stand by and do nothing will they commit their atrocities.

Iraq was working better under Saddam than it is now, it's a joke (or would be if it hadn't cost so many lives)

So we should continue to leave countries under dictators that violate treaties, employ government rapists and kill their own citizens in large blocs because the country will run better? Tell you what, next time there's a genocide going on, why don't you send a sternly worded letter to the people doing it and see how that works?

In the words of Burke âoeThe only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men should do nothing.â Continue standing by and doing nothing while innocents are slaughtered by the millions in genocides because no one will 'go to war'. Your hands are clean only because your knee deep in blood.

Comment More accurate headline (Score 4, Insightful) 510

Let's make this headline more accurate and honest, okay?

Anti-GMO Luddites Win Victory On Hawaiian Island

These has never been a single reputable study by anyone anywhere that has shown GMO anything to be unhealthy. GMO products have been made for decades and have been intensely studies by people with a vested interest in keeping them out. This range of scientific lunacy is in the same camp as wifi causes cancer and vaccination scaremongering.

Let's get real, this has jack to do with GMO and everything to do with eco naive that get their talking points from greenpeace and protectionism from those countries that haven't started making their own GMO foods yet. Once other countries start making their own versions of GMO foods all of the objections to GMO foods will vanish overnight from everyone that isn't an eco-naive twit.

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