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Comment Re:All Edison's fault (Score 1) 1080

Law of unintended consequences in full effect: Regulations that are written with no real understanding of the side effects.

Or, some people are just against change. I switched to CFL's as my older bulbs died which took about two years. Since then (now about 5 years) I've replaced two of the CFL's. They really do seem to last forever. At the dump you can deposit them in a separate container so that the mercury is recycled.

Comment Re:All Edison's fault (Score 1) 1080

Your argument is a little exagerated -- 5 million florescent light bulbs in the same landfill??? And as far as the mercury is concerned, at the current use of coal for electricity production, 5 times the amount of mercury is spewed into the air to power the difference in electricity needed for incandescent lightbulbs. And given that most counties have alternatives to disposing of the CFL bulbs so that no mercury is dumped in the landfill, the mercury argument doesn't cut it.

Comment Comparison (Score 1) 421

The Apollo program cost 98 billion in constant 2008 dollars. The bank bailout cost 750 billion. The Apollo program brought prestige, an increased interest in science, pumped up the economy and made us the most admirable nation on earth. The bank bailout brought us ridicule and disgust in the banking system and in the financial system itself. It makes me appreciate JFK all the more.

Comment Makes Sense (Score 1) 214

Owners of Microsoft devices over the years have always felt more compelled to whack their machines. Their next patent application will be for a "kick" gesture and finally a "throw out of window" gesture.

The kick gesture will be determined by acceleration followed by the battery being displaced or the screen cracking.

The Throw out of Window gesture will be determined by a quick acceleration, loud audible sounds not found in the audible dictionary and the loss of gravity followed by a sudden deceleration.

Comment Re:i call BS (Score 1) 290

I wonder how much the reliance on PHP affects their performance. I know they have a PHP compiler in place and probably cache byte code in places where it's not compiled, but it still makes be wonder if PHP is/could be a bottleneck. And I think they were complaining about mysql at one point too. They've done a lot to speed it up but there are some limitations they just couldn't get around.

Comment Re:One VM to rule them all (Score 1) 1154

The answer is Eclipse, Java, the JVM, and Swing. Works great on Linux. I even think recent versions of Swing are coded to OpenGL for graphics acceleration.

You know what they say, Write Once and Run Everywhere (meaning Gnome, KDE, XFace, etc).

This is what I was thinking too. The problem, IMHO, is Oracle. I think they've scared everyone into thinking that the JRE will be limited in some way and legally encumbered so that they can monetize it. I'm not sure that's in their best interest.

Still, it's currently the best option for cross platform compatibility. Unfortunately, they never really figured out how to make Swing easy (and I say that after writing 1.3 million lines of code over the last 12 years).Oh, and while we're at it, date/time as all screwed up as is BigDecimal! Oracle, please, you can't be serious.

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