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Comment Re:Is there anything they won't mock? (Score 1) 1131

Perhaps a more accurate thing to say would be "We need people like that, and a free society that makes it legal." I haven't watched South Park regularly since the mid 2000's, but I do find them entertaining when I do get to see an episode. I don't believe that we NEED South Park, but we need there to be people like Mat and Trey that are willing to satirize anything they see fit, and we need a constitution that backs up the right for them to do it.

Comment Re:Never fails (Score 2, Funny) 268

That's why I "partitioned" that storage medium. On the first partition My wife has installed Volkswagen 2.0, which a lot like Apple products only does about 3 things, but she seems happy. However lately, she keeps making me format and re size the partition map so that she has more room, eventually I may have to use public storage to save things "in the cloud".

Comment Re:Sources (Score 3, Interesting) 853

And that really is the crux of the matter. Blogs and websites like to claim that they are as legitimate as broadcast and, dare I say it, print journalism. However, there are real journalists who have done jail time for refusing to reveal names of sources to the government. You have to keep names off the record unless you are given consent by the party concerned. This guy was stupid for letting that device out of his hand, even for a second, but this may have unintended consequences for Gizmodo and its affiliates.

Comment Re:People are fighting ACTA = Useless (Score 1) 351

As a Californian, I say "hear hear!" The Direct initiative process has been a nightmare. The state is in so much debt because you can get 50.1% of the population to vote for lower taxes AND 50.1% of the population to vote for more public spending. This works out great as long as you don't mind deficit spending yourself into oblivion. To quote Alexander Fraser Tytler:

A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury.

As much as I hate to say it, we need politicians and bureaucrats going back on their word to the voters in order to remain solvent. You can't give infinite tax breaks and public works/social services. One of them has to go. Of course then you have the conservatives wanting to ax the social, and the liberals wanting to raise taxes, its partisan hackery, sure... but at least it isn't both at the same time.

Comment Re:People are fighting ACTA = Useless (Score 1) 351

I agree that the electoral college should be scrapped. However without its equalizing power, the 5 most populous states would have over 1/3 of the voting power in a "popular" vote. The 10 most populous would have over 50% of the voting power. There needs to be some check against the ability of large states to steamroll the votes of the smaller states.

Comment Re:Sure, it's official (Score 1) 643

Max Power, he's the man who's name you'd love to touch!
But you mustn't touch!
His name sounds good in your ear,
but when you say it, you mustn't fear!
'Cause his name can be said by anyone!

Comment Re:Officially? (Score 1) 643

My Macbook has motion sensors that can detect movement on 3 axises. The issue is that nobody has written (useful) software or an OS that uses it to preform tasks.

Your other points are correct.

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