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Comment Re:No Slugfest (Score 1, Insightful) 586

...because politicians don't run businesses, they run a branch of government, and governments ARE NOT and SHOULD NOT BE businesslike.

Also, a "supermajority of the people in the U.S." don't want the Affordable Care Act, eh? I think you need to take a trip back to reality, where facts are king, and simply inventing "facts" like you're doing is generally frowned upon.

Comment Re:Idiots (Score 5, Insightful) 586

The real idiots are the ones who lump together all levels and branches of government for no rational reason other than they're forms of government.

That makes about as much sense as saying "What do you really expect from the EU, given the way the Chinese government tramples on human rights. Just be glad they didn't ship you off to a concentration camp."

Comment So... (Score 5, Insightful) 586

When you say "One defense was that state-based exchanges were performing a lot better than the federal website servicing 36 states." and then follow it up with "But Oregon's website problems have forced the state to rely on paper applications to sign up participants." are you actually trying to use one state-run exchange's technical failure to undermine the other states whose exchanges are working just fine?

I ask, because if that IS what you did (and it does appear you did) you need to take a remedial course on logic.

Comment Re:Can't have it all. (Score 2) 622

Then you're looking at it wrong. Everyone has a right of privacy, and everyone is entitled to care (or not) about preserving that right. When a portion of a government tries to stomp on that right they've done a serious injury to you, and while you're free not to care about it, I'm also free to care a LOT about it without being faced with the accusation that I must "do wrong or plan on doing wrong" because I care about my rights.

Comment Re:Public list of VPNs? (Score 1) 91

How would the project still be useful? By updating with new, unblocked VPNs? Then Iran (or similar country) can block those, too. Assuming the country in question isn't bright enough to automate the process then there may be a window of usability, but even then it would be quite brief.

If you're so sure your comment is good, and only "morons" can complain about the topic, then why post AC?

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