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Comment Re:i don't really like bill gates that much but... (Score 1) 575

yeah MS was the first software company with a popular product to have a proprietary file format. what were they THINKING? Open source was not even on the radar, hell maybe not in the vocabulary of 95% of the software buying world back then. How long did it take OpenOffice or other products to get even close to the functionality of Word? Hey look! You can use this OPEN SOURCE (say it in an impressive voice) word processor that has 1/2 the features of the leading brand AND is incompatible. File format was only the icing on the cake that turned people away.

If you send me a document saved in MS Word format. How can I read it without purchasing MS Word? This was the case once, almost everyone used MS Word for documents, no open or semi open formats. To read these you had to have MS Word, there was no other program to read them. MS Word became the de facto standard by sabotaging its competitors that ran on Windows and DOS like Word Perfect.

Comment Re:i don't really like bill gates that much but... (Score -1, Troll) 575


Bill Gates sure pulled the wool over your eyes. He is as evil or more evil than Steve Jobs. At least with Steve Jobs you don't have to use Apple. Bill Gate forced everyone to use his crap closed technology.

For example
Why didn't Open Source Word Processors in the early days support Microsoft Word Documents? Was is
A) They wrote bad code.
B) Microsoft kept the format secret so no-one could compete.

And it says in your sig "Support the EFF and Creative Commons. The war is coming, and they're supporting you..." do you have amnesia or something?

Comment Re:So.... (Score 1) 828

Australia has not had any major increase in crime committed with firearms.

The public's perception is that violence is increasing, but trends in violent crime reported to police since the early 1990s reveal a mixed story. Homicide has decreased by nine percent since 1990 and armed robbery by one-third since 2001, but recorded assaults and sexual assaults have both increased steadily in the past 10 years by over 40 percent and 20 percent respectively. The rate of aggravated assault appears to have contributed to the marked rise in recorded assault, and for both assault and sexual assault the rate of increase was greater for children aged under 15 years, with increases almost double that of the older age group. Neither population changes among young adult males nor rates of offending seem to explain the trends in recorded violent crime, and indicators of change in reporting to police provide only a partial explanation. Based on self-reported victimisation and reporting to police, it would seem increased reporting of assault is somewhat responsible for the rise in recorded assault rates against adult victims. However, victimisation survey data suggest there has been little change in rates of sexual assault, although reporting to police by women seems to have increased. Victimisation survey data also do not illuminate the most significant recorded increase in violent victimisation, against children, as they are collected less frequently and only apply to those aged at least over 15 years. The paper speculates that the rise could be due to better public understanding of child protection issues and increased reporting due to public awareness of what constitutes physical and sexual assault - especially within the family - but this requires further investigation to examine how many recorded violent crimes against children relate to current and/or past events and of the relationship to the offender.

Comment Re:The reason Christianity has this problem. (Score 1) 1359

The Mythos of Christianity absolutely depends on a a literal understanding of Genesis. In Judaism, Genesis can be metaphor, it changes nothing. But the Sacrifice of Jesus is contingent on an event called the fall of man, where Eve and Adam ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge, angering Yahweh (God) and damning all Humans to Hell save for a few Jewish Prophets and anyone who accepts Jesus as the Savior.

What is the difference between "literal" and "Literal" different books in the bible contain literal things that happened and poetry. I doubt the poetry is literal. The second creation account (7 days one) does not specify the length of the day. You could infer that it was the same as our day but then you need to explain why days can exist before the sun existed. You might reply and say that days acted retroactively in that case. More importantly is the fact that the 7 day period translates into the Hebrew week with the last day being the day of rest (Sabbath). So it may not be the length of time of each day but rather the sequence of days, things end in a rest period. Note however that the Jews celebrated only the Sabbath day and not the other days. If the second creation account is one of our weeks and the end represents the Sabbath day then why do we have week after week but the creation account only occurs once?

I would say there is a difference between saying these events literally happened and these events literally happened in 7 of our days.

Comment OFFTOPIC: Moderation (Score 3, Informative) 313

Thanks for modding me down jackass. You could have INFORMED me of that fact without punishing me with a -1 whip. (And if it wasn't you, then I direct my comment to the other fucker that did it.)

You can't post and moderate in the same article. Posting removes all your moderations in that article.

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