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Comment Re:Or to not quote him partially... (Score 1) 869

I sincerely hope you're griping about the fact that Fedora forced its users to switch to KDE 4.0, which KDE strongly discouraged distros from switching to in the first place. If you think of it as an open-source tech demo, you're close to the purpose. A complete rewrite takes time, and KDE is all about openness. So, while they were busy working on a newer, more flexible version, they allowed people to try it themselves. The upcoming 4.2 release is extremely usable. I'm thrilled that I can boot up my desktop, and wow my non-Linux-using friends with it.

So my point is this. Fedora screwed up here, not KDE. KDE followed its principles, and has maintained the entire time that what they were working on was not "ready for production use."

Comment Re:Ha! (Score 1) 351

Funny, I rarely hear about problems with Nvidia cards or sound in Slackware anymore, and I'm in the irc channel all the time. Maybe Ubuntu needs to hurry up and join the modern distros like Slackware?

Comment Re:Is there 64-bit support? (Score 1) 351

A small number of us are pitching in to help him with that, as well. Remember, part of the reason Slamd64 "lags" is due to Fred's attempting to remain as close to a pure port of Slackware as possible... so he has to wait on Pat to update before he can, most of the time.

Comment Re:Yes and no (Score 1) 204

I received one as well. I pulled a game for backup (the original cd is sitting next to me as I type this), and assumed that anyone else connecting to me would be doing the same thing. The notice came after I had already closed that torrent out. Haven't heard from them again since, so I agree with and corroborate your story.

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