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Comment Re:not my field.... (Score 1) 249

The great unwashed masses seem to be blissfully unaware that there is no such thing as 'chemical free chicken' or what ever marketing spiel the ad men decide to pitch to you.

This may come as a surprise to you, but not all words have a single canonical definition, nor are the multiple definitions they do have necessarily clear cut. Allow me to demonstrate, using the Google-Dictionary definition of chemical:

A compound or substance that has been purified or prepared, esp. artificially

As you can see, the term chemical implies, at least according to this one source, artificiality, without requiring it. Therefore, the obvious implication of saying that organic foods don't contain chemicals is that they don't contain artificial, unnatural, or extra chemicals (the credibility of such a claim is another matter, of course). This is the kind of mistake a computer would make; ignoring context in favour of some obscure interpretation that leads to a ridiculous conclusion. Or a troll, now that I think about it

Comment Re:It wasn't a Ponzi scheme (Score 1) 436

The key difference is that for Banks, the missing $9 was loaned out to other people, and there is therefore an asset (the outstanding loan) to match the debt (the money missing from the account). For Full Tilt Poker, the missing money was used to pay the board of directors, so it's gone.

From the article:

The funds in [the player's] accounts were supposed to remain untouched and available for withdrawal at any time, according to the complaint. But that wasn't the case.

Instead, Full Tilt Poker didn’t have enough in those accounts to repay players, and, moreover, used whatever funds it could collect to pay board members and other company executives more than $440 million since April 2007.

Comment Re:Propaganda or Bad reporting? (Score 1) 898

So, being a coward is illegal in Britain? Sounds like a slippery slope to me.

This is a laughable straw man argument.

I sure did poke holes in the prosecution, for all you know.

As per other posts in this thread, Duffy did confess. So I know very well that you did not poke holes in the prosecution.

Yes, the defense was clearly not successful. As I said, IF THEY WERE COMPETENT.

This is a textbook True Scotsman fallacy.

Comment Re:Propaganda or Bad reporting? (Score 3, Insightful) 898

Don't you feel, deep down in your bones, that jailing people for the things they say is, to put it bluntly, PATENTLY WRONG? Are you nut jobs going to start jailing people for thoughtcrime as well? If not, why not? Where is the diving line on that?

The dividing line is pretty clearly that something one says (or in this case, does) is objectively verifiable, whereas one's thoughts are not.

I poked two holes in this guy's prosecution, and I'm not even an investigator.

No you didn't. You speculated about two situations which might have occurred which might have harmed the prosecution's case. For all you know, the police came to Duffy's place to investigate and he broke down blubbering and confessed everything like the anonymous coward he is.

Just think what some one in the profession would do to this prosecution.

I don't have to imagine. I can read the fucking headline and see that the guy was jailed. The defense was clearly not very successful.

Comment Re:Well (Score 1) 349

They didn't focus on teaching specific languages (as they'd go out of fashion in 5 years anyway)

I don't understand where this tripe comes from. For my professional and academic activities, I use C (~1973), Perl (1987), Java (1995), and C# (2001). The youngest of those is 10 years old. What languages are using now that weren't around 5 years ago, and what were you using 5 years ago that has since gone 'out of fashion'? What does it mean to be 'out of fashion'? That they aren't in use? Or that Web developers no longer use them?

Comment Re:Ten Times (Score 1) 324

I challenge you to find a single account from someone who personally knows Bill Gates who claims that the man is unlikeable.

Source: http://www.engadget.com/2011/04/18/paul-allen-compares-working-with-bill-gates-to-being-in-hell/ :

But the memoir's most intriguing (and controversial) revelations revolve around Allen's personal and professional relationship with Gates, whom he described to Stahl as a gifted businessman with a penchant for being a total jerk.

Comment Re:It's a waste of time (Score 1) 473

As soon as I ask them if they'd like to meet up, they go quiet and never message me again.

The timing on this is crucial. If you ask too early, women will conclude that you are a creeper. That may seem harsh, but women on dating sites deal with a creeper or two every day, so it's unavoidable.

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