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Comment Nostalgia? It Is Still Relevant Technology (Score 2) 46

Oh, yes - people still looking for a fast startup can relate to core memory. You switch the machine on, set the switches to the base address, hit 'reset', hit 'run' and you are up and running the last loaded program (CPU next instruction address registers etc.. are volatile, so can't be used) So, for example, set 0019, Res, Run, and you are up and running (CIL System 90, and others) Not too shoddy, eh?

Oh, er, when can we get a 5 channel paper tape reader, 8 cps (characters per second) teletype, 800bpi (bits per inch - cute, eh?) mag tape, and punch cards, please :-))

Oh, for the days of spicing an edit into a bit of blank paper tape and taping it into the right place, !syad dlo doog eht erew esoht as we used to say.

Submission + - Sex Change Without Radiation (

the monolith writes: "Don't give up asking why the chicken crossed the road, but it's about time you started asking "Why Did The Chicken Go Cock-a-Doodle-Do"?
The owner of anotherwise fine looking, egg laying, hen was very surprised when it started growing male body features, stopped laying eggs, and started crowing it's head off. The local vet blames it on fungus infected feed. The article does not elaborate where the feed came from or if it can be purchased over the internet"

The Internet

Submission + - Julian Assange Released on Bail (

the monolith writes: Julian Assange is freed at last from a police cell after an interminable two day delay in his release after bail was posted finally ended. He seems to be banned from using Twitter, but he's free for the moment.

Comment Parsec ? (Score 1) 1141

A Parsec is a length unit of measurement.
We also have Kiloparsecs, Megaparsecs and Gigaparsecs, but I do not know anyone living that far away yet.
I cannot believe that my spellchecker does not have Gigaparsecs in it!

Submission + - The Pirate Bay Sails To A New Home (

the monolith writes: The company supplying bandwidth to The Pirate Bay have been forced to disconnect them. The new location has not yet been officially disclosed but, sooner or later, the ship will dock somewhere!

Submission + - UK Broadband tax 'to be made law' (

the monolith writes: "It seems that the UK Government want to tax your connection to the internet via land line broadband. But all might be fine as they are targeting "Anyone with a fixed line telephone", and there can't be that many folks out there that still keep a phone-on-a-rope anyway, right?"

Submission + - The Husband Hunting Bra (

the monolith writes: Well, someone had time on his hands, the boss was out, and a spare processor on the bench. It simply had to be done, and a Japanese engineer went where no one has gone before in producing a husband hunting bra. The victim is distracted by the firmware, and the wearer can move in swiftly for the kill wielding the strategically positioned wedding ring. What other projects could be thought up by bored slashdotters? Answers on the proverbial digital postcard.

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