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Comment Re:Few to admit it, but a lot of parents teach thi (Score 0) 1208

Honestly, SHUT UP about "government-funded" already. Combined federal, state and local gov't contributions make up about 5.8% according to their latest figures. The vast majority of their funding comes from individuals, businesses, and universities (amongst others).

Whether it's 5.8% or 16% as other have said doesn't matter. Every penny of government funding is wrong. And it's every bit as wrong as every penny the government gives Catholic charities or whatever.

So while you may have a point with your "shut up", it does matter since the government has no business funding any private business or entity.

Comment Re:Not a big deal (Score 1) 123

Well, my sister's company uses Dreamhost, and they were hacked. They do use ftp (instead of sftp) to upload their files, so I'm guessing that's the likely culprit. I've since set them straight.

I've been a loyal Dreamhost cusomter since 1998 and I'm happy with their response.

Comment Re:Friggen finally (Score 1) 493

...when they actually do something, it's invariably a disaster.

Invariably? This passes for insightful? I might have gone for funny, but it's a pretty tired knee-jerk cliche. Don't forget that even Ron Paul, the patron saint of libertarianism is a congressman. He must not think the exercise is utterly futile.

Ron Paul, whom I support, would be the first to tell you that the govt needs to get out of the business of [many, many things], and that govt makes a disaster of things.

Comment Re:Austrian economists did not miss it. (Score 1) 676

YouTube is blocked by the proxy nazis here at work, but I looked at those articles. The first one is simply a rehash of Mish's original post, and the second one is simply wrong. For example: "Isn't the dollar much stronger and aren't foreign stock markets much lower today than they were when he advised readers to invest in them"? -- No, both are much lower. Of course, it could have been true when the article was written, but Schiff invests for the long term. The results shown in that portfolio were clearly short-term results (i.e. bought right before the 2008 crash).

And Schiff is the first to admit he had no idea the Fed was going to begin Quantitative Easing which is simply propping up the stock market for the short term. It's easy to see that massive inflation is in our future, but *nobody* knows exactly when. Mish likes to say "Schiff was wrong about hyperinflation". I don't recall Schiff ever giving a date for this event, but just that it will happen given our current policies (which aren't likely to be changing). He's quite right about that. But it's still a future event, so it's premature to declare him "wrong" about that.

Comment Re:Austrian economists did not miss it. (Score 1) 676

It may be fun and self-serving to spread such myths about Peter Schiff, but it's simply not true.

Those who have been with him for 5+ years are deeply in the green. Only those who joined immediately before the Asian markets fell had a temporary setback, but even those are now in the green. No market is constantly going up. But in the long run Schiff's vision is spot-on.

Personally, I opened an account at EuroPac in 2008, and my portfolio is up 342%. Of course that's largely due to a small stock (of which I had 40,000 shares) went up 1200% within the span of a year. Discounting that "lucky" home run, my portfolio is up 48%. I'm quite happy with the results, naturally.

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