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Comment Re:Am I reading that graph wrong? (Score 1) 445

What matters is not that every site adopt IPv6, but that enough sites adopt it that having an IPv6 connection gets you useful value.

It's natural that people should be focusing on the web, but the web is really a non-issue -- we know how to proxy HTTP efficiently, so HTTP sites staying on IPv4 is at worst a minor inconvenience.

What urgently needs to move are protocols that are difficult to proxy, either because they have a complex structure (BitTorrent, SIP) or because the added latency hit is problematic (SIP, Skype, most online games). You really want enough of your BitTorrent peers to implement IPv6 support, so you can get your Linux distributions fast.

Comment Re:Article too long, let me save you some time (Score 3, Informative) 156

The most impressive thing is that we can actually measure this minute effect

According to Wikipedia, it's 8.74×10^10 m/s^2. If you integrate that over fourty years, that's 17000 km, or 55 ms light-speed delay, which should not be too difficult to detect.


Comment Re:MS Surface problems (Score 1) 403

Since it's not clear from your post, the Surface (even the RT version) can do all of that.

Since it's not clear from your post, the Surface (especially the crippled RT version) cannot do most of that.

I don't think any of the current editors support syntax highlighting for it
There is not yet a LaTeX compiler available for RT
you need a dongle


On the other hand, sometimes more productivity makes it worthwhile.

Thanks for your concern, but I'm quite productive on my cheap netbook — the battery lasts over 8 hours, and the keyboard is good enough for a sustained 65wpm. The only reason I'd consider a tablet is the weight: the netbook weighs 1.1kg, which is 400g more than a lightweight tablet. But I wouldn't consider anything as crippled as the Surface.

Comment Re:MS Surface problems (Score 2) 403

- too expensive

Compared to what?

Compared to a laptop.

The netbook I currently use on trips cost €220. Since it's fully encrypted, it means that having it stolen or leaving it on the train is a fairly minor annoyance (I've had one stolen already).

Since I have a nice laptop at home and a nice desktop at work, I'd gladly replace it with a tablet, as long as I can encrypt the flash, view PDFs, run LaTeX, and plug in a projector. But not at that price.

Comment Re:Bing and yahoo (Score 2) 244

They might be waiting for the tech savvy slashdot folks to lead the way...

$ host -t aaaa lwn.net
lwn.net has no AAAA record
$ host -t aaaa arstechnica.com
arstechnica.com has no AAAA record
$ host -t aaaa tomshardware.com
tomshardware.com has no AAAA record
$ host -t aaaa phoronix.com
phoronix.com has no AAAA record
$ host -t aaaa smallnetbuilder.com
smallnetbuilder.com has no AAAA record

Comment OpenGenera for Linux (Score 4, Interesting) 160

I deeply desire to have a Symbolics machine of my own some day—or at least a version of OpenGenera that boots properly.

You won't have one properly licensed, since the courts were unable to agree who owns the copyrights to Genera. On the other hand, that means you cannot be sued by the copyright holders, since nobody is quite sure who the copyright holders are.

You'll need:

Setting it up requires a little bit of work (you'll need to set up a local NFS server and to tweak your X server's modifier mappings), but I warmly recommend it -- it's complete enough to do some real work in Emacs, and the full sources and documentation are there for your greater enjoyment.

Comment Re:OpenNTPD (Score 4, Interesting) 142

have written most of OpenNTPD.

And you admit it?

I am sick and tired of wasting energy on each and every unfounded accusation someone posts somewhere.

Please show me where the OpenNTPD code computes the dispersion and root delay that it sends to clients, and I will retract my claim.

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Syntactic sugar causes cancer of the semicolon. -- Epigrams in Programming, ACM SIGPLAN Sept. 1982
