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Comment Re:DOH! (Score 4, Insightful) 206

Borders on the Internet are formed by the identity of groups of people, who are brought together by common cultures, common languages, common needs, etc.

As opposed to being formed by nationality. This is why me (a Brit) and you (I'm going to guess an American though you might not be and that would help prove my point) are having this conversation.

Comment Re:The inevitable comparison, so let's get it over (Score 1) 201

I've found myself doing fairly poorly in BF3 in pure kills vs deaths terms

Stop thinking like that! Your K:D is not important. It's a team game, that's why your position on the board is determined by points earned rather than K:D. You can die 100 times, never get a kill and still be top of the table as long as you give out enough health packs and revive enough team-mates.

Comment Re:So is it spying or not? (Score 1) 73

So they weren't spying.

spying (Verb)
1. Work for an organization by secretly collecting information about enemies or competitors.
2. Observe (someone) furtively. (Furtive: 1. Attempting to avoid notice or attention; secretive.)

As it wasn't done secretly and the users were made aware of this then maybe "monitoring" would be a better word.

I'm going to abstain from Slashdot's knee-jerk "OMFG SPIES!" reaction for now until there's some evidence either way. I stopped reading Slashdot about a year ago because most of the interesting headlines were just downright misleading. Seems like nothings changed. See you again in another year.

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