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Comment Re:charges seem implausible (Score 2) 840

Sex with a sleeping person is very possible. If you can't imagine how, you're not imaginative enough. Or creepy enough, I guess. Some people are heavy sleepers. Other gets very drunk. Etc, etc.

The debate about rape and abuse here has focused more and more on whether you actually say yes to sex, not so much if you say no. It makes sense in many ways. It's not always possible to say no. Maybe you're too afraid to say no, or maybe you're sleeping and can't say no.

As for what Assange did, I'll leave that to the court to decide.

Comment Re:Whores. (Score 1) 1060

I am a man and I find it quite offensive that you think I lose all control as soon as a woman touches my dick.

It's a bad excuse for bad behavior. But then it's typical of misogynists to make vague references to biology as support for their negative attitudes towards women.

Comment Re:Whores. (Score 1) 1060

Yes, there seems to be a blog post about revenge from one of the women. Suspicious at most, but it still proves absolutely nothing.

That men are unable to stop having sex once they've started is the lamest excuse I've heard in a long time. You're just making excuses for men who don't care about consent. The misogyny continues.

Comment Re:Whores. (Score 2) 1060

You don't know that. It's all conspiracy theory-grade guessing, made to fit your own preconceived notions. If it isn't the feminist conspiracy, it's the american conspiracy, or maybe both. Until we get to hear both sides directly, noone but Assange and the women know.

Also, there are reports that when Assange had sex with the women and they asked him to stop, he didn't. That makes it non-consecual sex and a crime. No violence needed.

But thank you for revlealing yourself to be a total misogynist. Now we now.

Comment I can't imagine a well-recieved Facebook update (Score 1) 211

I can't imagine a well-recieved Facebook update by now. Everything about Facebook seems to be bad, but at the same time every attempt to change it also seems to be bad. I wonder how much this is due to actual problems with Facebook, and how much it is due to people making themsleves impossible to please.

Comment Re:Artificial Brains? (Score 1) 320

You're changing brains all the time.

Your current brain isn't the one you were born with. On a cellular level, there are processes that continously rebuild your brain. The only thing that stays somewhat constant is the pattern of information and processing.

The only rational conclusion I see is that anything that has your brain pattern will be you, for all intents and purposes. There's no unique process that has to be present to make you you.

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