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Comment Sounds more than fair ... (Score 1) 260

If this happened in a physical store, the cashier would call a supervisor. The customer may get the product for free, but the issue would immediately be remedied so that it would not be exploited. In this case, the customer decided to call over other customers with the full realization that it was likely a mistake. A mistake that would only be noticed by the retailer through abnormal sales patterns or by someone reporting it, i.e. after the fact. Even though the customers were being dishonest, they were still rewarded.

Comment Idle speculation ... (Score 1) 559

This sounds an awful lot like the discussion surrounding habitable planets 25 years ago. There really wasn't enough to raise the discourse above idle speculation because we were dealing with a sample of one (the solar system). The situation wasn't much better shortly after the discovery of exoplanets since the sample was incredibly biased.

The situation for planetary atmospheres is similar today. We have an incredibly small sample of planets where we have studied the atmosphere in any detail (again, the solar system) and hints about the atmospheres of a highly biased sample of exoplanets. Give it another decade or two, and maybe we will have a basis to speculate on the habitability of extrasolar planets ... but that certainly isn't the case today.

Comment Re:I think I am in trouble (Score 1) 208

I'm sure that it was perfectly clear to many people, even to those who have a marginal understanding of technical buzzwords. Part of the problem is that the buzzwords are sufficiently ambiguous that they can mean practically anything when strung together, so the investor or client may visualize a product that is completely different from what is being offered. In other words, it is little more than marketing speak.

Comment A minor concern, but still a concern ... (Score 2) 319

The processors being dropped are admittedly ancient and are unlikely to see much use. If any other distribution was dropping it, I would not be concerned in the slightest. The reason why I have an inkling of concern is because Debian is the base for many other Linux distributions, and Debian is designed in a way that is easy to adapt for many low end systems.

I'm not going to lose any sleep over this decision. If I ever had the need to use hardware with such an old processor, chances are that it would require older software on top of an older distribution on top of an older kernel anyhow. (And chances are the need to use such an old processor would be to drive hardware that requires Windows or DOS rather than Linux.) Still, it is worth discussion.

Comment Re:Um, what? (Score 1) 86

I'd support such a move if it more closely modelled amateur radio: test and license operators. Break the licenses up into different classes. An entry level class would require a knowledge of the relevant laws and safe operating practice. A fully licensed operator may be able to design and build their own aircraft, as well as have additional privileges for the type of aircraft and airspace that they can operate in. Most of all, have the aircraft identified by the operator's license rather than licensing each aircraft to reduce the bureaucratic nonsense that people have to deal with.

The point of such a scheme is to provide a legal avenue through which people can operate drones, while acknowledging that there has to be some form of regulation to ensure safety. Licensing is simply a means of ensuring that people have enough knowledge to operate the drones safely. Identification is a means of tracking down operators who are not respecting the regulations. While operating without a license does not imply unsafe operations, it raises enough red flags that the FAA should be able to slap the operator with a fine and demand that the operator can prove that they are capable of operating a drone safely (by obtaining a license).

Comment Re:With 32 gig usb sticks so cheap ... (Score 1) 154

An OS installer is something that I use once, then stick in a drawer in case I need to reinstall the OS or use it for data recovery. In other words, it's not receiving much use so I would rather dig an unused flash drive out of the drawer rather than spend money on it. I most certainly don't want to go to the trouble of getting a larger cheap drive via mail order because any local shop charges a premium for it.

Comment People should learn how to shop ... (Score 1) 221

Setting aside that whole juice vs. drink bit, which can only be used as a high level filter, processed foods have ingredient and nutrition labels. People should check them when they are buying a new product rather than depending upon manufacturer's claims.

Also learn how to check the products next to it. Those cheap alternatives are often better for you than the expensive brands.

Comment Re:Coal can be replaced easier than gas engines (Score 1) 150

The other consideration is air quality within urban centres. A lot of people seem to forget that emissions standards were implemented due to air quality within cities, rather than the state of the environment globally. I suspect that is what India is trying to accomplish: shifting electricity production outside of the city through the use of electric vehicles shifts much of the pollutants outside of highly populated areas. Given the high population densities in parts of India, it is a larger consideration for them than for us.

Comment Specialty items ... (Score 1) 195

Personally I wouldn't, but I understand why people would pay a steep price for such a device (having spent nearly $200 on a 6.8" device myself). While most tablets are fine for most readers, e-Ink is better at handling most lighting conditions while e-readers tend to place much more emphasis on battery life. Things like the screen refresh rate does present a major drawback. Yet the inability to scroll through a page effectively is a big part of the reason why certain people are demanding a larger screen.

At the end of the day, this ability to handle certain corner-cases better while being less useful as a general purpose device will make it a niche product. That will drive up the price. This is realistic. The people who pay that much are sane. If you want to question the price of items, perhaps it is best to look towards rebranded mass produced devices.

Comment Re:So why does the FBI want Apple to crack the iPh (Score 1) 114

If I recall correctly, the FBI wants Apple to disable the feature that disables or formats the device after too many incorrect attempts. Just because it is possible to crack 1 in 5 accounts after a handful of attempts doesn't mean that you will be able to crack a particular account in a handful of attempts (particularly if that person is paranoid).

Comment Re:7,560 Windows Games And Counting. (Score 1) 179

The important thing for gamers is: does Linux offer the games that they want to play? The important thing for game developers is: are they going to generate enough revenue to justify the expense of porting and supporting the game under Linux?

Both fronts have improved remarkably over the past few years. Gamers have more choice and better quality games under Linux. It's not going to reflect everyone's interests, but there is a very good chance that you will find a collection of games that you want to play regularly. With a number of game engines being ported to Linux, the situation is much better for developers as well. It doesn't eliminate the expense of porting and support, but a good engine will drastically reduce the cost of porting.

For someone like myself, I rarely boot into Windows to play games these days. If I wanted to avoid Windows altogether, I could. Simply put, the games that I gain the most enjoyment from are already available for Linux. Those Windows-only games simply add a bit of variety.

Comment Re:This is good because of network nature (Score 1) 250

The US said that cars must meet certain standards in order to be sold in their country. Not only did the vehicles not meet those standards, but VW falsified the results. When someone breaks the law, they are typically told what they have to do. Sometimes it's jail time. Sometimes it's a fine. Sometimes it's community service. I guess this would be filed under the latter.

Suggesting that they should not be told what to do is counter productive. It would be akin to saying: these are the laws and there are no consequences to breaking the laws, so you may as well do as you want to.. Some companies may follow the laws to avoid bad PR, but a lot wouldn't.

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