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Comment Re:And? (Score 1) 289

Can it swerve across the side walk when necessary? Can it make a blind turn past an obstacle just having faith that opposing traffic goes slow enough so they can stop in time? Can it turn on a single lane road in unison with lots of other cars when the road is blocked, judging the sides of the road accurately so it doesn't get stuck?

I can go on and on and on, just like any normal person who often drives in urban environments. Even the motorway isn't safe from the sort of shit which would make anything we could program today barf. Something simple like temporary lanes indicated by obstacles and traffic wardens can occur in so many different ways that it becomes impossible to handle. Or lets say we get directed through narrow bits of the shoulder for road works or an accident and the car decides to stop because safety margin aren't met, lets just make hundreds of people wait. Best not have a small car, or some very helpful folks might park your car in the ditch for you once they understand the cause of the hold up.

It's a pipe dream until we have human level AI.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 1) 142

I'm not sure if this is true.

Definitely not for the coherent bit, trying to setup a second equally long beam path to be able to do interferometry would be an absolute pain and a half (needs to be pretty much exactly as long, coherence length of lasers is never going to be large enough to be able to interfere it without path length matching). Much easier to just intensity modulate the laser and measure the doppler shift of the modulating signal.

Not sure about the angle either, the window won't have much diffuse reflection ... but it will have some.

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