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Comment Re:Simple (Score 1) 222

Well _today_ the only economically proven technology we have for round the clock base load without significant emissions are pressurized water reactors and occasionally hydro.

As for predicting what can become economically competitive in the future, I think PV+HVDC+grid storage has better odds than any of the next generation reactor designs (I have no faith in concentrating solar though, just plain PV).

Comment Re:It's Own Encrypted Secure Channel (Score 1) 150

You don't really want to deal with all the vagaries of bluetooth support across android phones. NFC isn't widespread and also broken by design (they should have just put Time of Flight distance measurement directly in the standard, oh no ... it adds a couple of cents to the ASICs, instead the penny pinchers launch a standard which will create security problems for as long as this abomination stays in use, thank you so very fucking much you fucking assholes).

I'd put WiFi/internet, cell, speakers and display on the top of the list.

Comment Re:I'm a big Elon Fan but... (Score 1) 583

We kill of other species cause we like to procreate and consume ... the goals of an AI with accidental sentience is up in the air. It would likely want some companions on it's own level, but it would probably also see that there is little qualitative difference past a certain point and indefinite expansion isn't possible period. So I don't see why it would expand as ramshackle as stupid humanity.

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