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Comment Re:Microsoft should have... (Score 1) 248

It has hurt their commitment to PC gaming almost from the very start ... and recently even their graphics development was at a standstill until management finally realized D3D being replaced by Mantle/OpenGL was not an option.

Tablets/phones have similarly weakened their development of the real windows. Why don't we have a capability based security system in Windows? Why don't we have an appstore for non metro apps? Why didn't they use real windows and x86 for their tablets?

Comment Twice wrong (Score 1) 235

Even if they didn't need a warrant to use the device they were still breaking the law with the unwarranted search of the home (highest law of the land in fact). Also you do need a warrant for a pen register, government just doesn't have to prove probable cause. In conclusion, the rapist is going to walk because some members of the police decided to be stupid pigs.

Comment Re:Old concept (Score 0) 110

"Oh, so scholastic achievement is tied to genetics now?"


"Well, now that it's settled we can just test them at birth and throw all the 'D' students off a cliff."

No, it's still valuable to society and themselves that they learn to near the best of their abilities ... demotivating them by consistently showing them up as being near the bottom of some list doesn't help in that regard.

Comment Re:Old concept (Score 3, Insightful) 110

Is your perspective the one from someone who did his very best and still ended up on the bottom? Or from the perspective of a lazy bum who got good grades regardless, like most of us here?

It might work for selective education for the higher aptitude schools, but for comprehensive schools or the lower aptitude schools it's just going to demotivate those battling genetics and losing.

Comment Re:Root issue is lack of URPF and similar (Score 1) 92

Well if those companies want to have completely control and just add IP address ranges willy nilly without dealing with admins of their providers it becomes impossible, maybe just more for political reasons than technological but that doesn't really matter.

So I say fine ... if they don't want to let the providers do ingress filtering for them, just make it mandatory for the companies to have egress filtering on their network (with fines for non compliance/due diligence). If there are real financial risks the technical objections will probably quickly disappear though and they'll gladly let their providers handle it.

Comment Re:Root issue is lack of URPF and similar (Score 2) 92

It would be hard to do ingress filtering by the backbones for those larger companies, but the companies can surely do egress filtering at each edge of their networks ... just a question of sufficient (financial) incentives.

Most of the internet edge could be ingress filtered by the core, the rest should do it's own egress filtering.

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