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Comment Re:Yes, but... (Score 4, Insightful) 1316

I come from poor white trash, but I worked hard - got a Ph.D. from a top English university (I grew up in Canada), and now I work in DC as an overpaid consultant. I drive a fully paid for BMW, am looking out my window at an awesome view of the Capitol Building as I type this.

Hard work does indeed pay off, but you also need to make smart long term decisions with it.

Regarding the nurse and teacher - they do what they do because they like it. I understand, I volunteer 700+ hours as a firefighter in one of the rural communities here.

Work hard, but find a balance - that's the key to success / happiness.

Comment Re:Precious Snowflakes (Score 1, Flamebait) 1316

While you're spending all your time in front of the keyboard becoming a non-provable top 5% (busy work is boring to you - but grades are important to employers), prob the rest of the class are out drinking, having fun and getting laid.

And by laid, I mean with actual 3d live humans who don't ask for a credit card number before they talk to you.


Submission + - Homemade dvd storage / streaming server?

bingbong writes: I'm a DVD addict with a large DVD collection. I want to save space and rip all my DVDs to a storage drive, and then serve them to my various TVs around the house. Are there any suggestions for ripping, cataloging and streaming software? I might also be moving to the UK from the US in the next year. So ideally this system would be something i could use over there.

so that's my dream. Any thoughts?

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