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Comment Re:fix (Score 1) 238

Well, that's not going to happen.

Even if they did own all the bits and pieces that are in it.(Psst. They don't.)

ATI linux drivers have been improving a bunch.(Still not open, though.) My radeon 4850 works just fine for me, under Kubuntu 8.10.

Comment Re:Triangles (Score 1) 326

From what I understand of it(which is very little, I'll admit): It started with a random bit of code to generate a polygon. It then "mutated" that bit code a bit and used the "mutated" version to render a few polygons. Next, it compared the polygons to the "master image". If they were found to be more "true" to the master image, this bit of modified code was kept to begin the next iteration.

So, while there is randomness involved, it also follows a specific guide(the master image), within its limitations.

I'm sure someone will be along shortly to correct me if I'm wrong.

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