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Comment Re:This is going to get ugly (Score 1) 228

What's your explanation for private companies running airline travel as a matter of national security? If the airlines can't keep bombs off their planes, then they go out of business and/or prosecuted for the actions of the terrorists they let through. How about life in prison for the entire board of directors of American Airlines?

Comment Re:That's "Former Marine" please (Score 1) 333

The military establishment seeks to control the behavior of civilians by telling them what words they can use to describe different kinds of soldiers. "Ex-Marine" has a specific negative connotation to insiders, kind of like the word "hipster" does to Skrillex fans. The military subculture tells them, "once a Marine, always a Marine," so you have to have done something terrible to have your Marine-ness taken away.

Comment Re:Submissions missing the full title? (Score 1) 17

If Slashdot is only at the "let's see if we can get a simple text field to display properly" level of development, I'm definitely pissing in the wind about any other usability issues. Sad.

And who decided that Slashdot has so many comments that they need to be throttled so severely, even from logged-in users? SRSLY.

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It is clear that the individual who persecutes a man, his brother, because he is not of the same opinion, is a monster. - Voltaire
