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Comment Re:Wait, these are for real? (Score 1) 72

I should have phrased this better. I realize it sounds like I am making a derogatory statement about people who don't know what a BB is. In fact, I was doing just that, but in jest. I'm not sure if the 'in jest' part comes through.

Some people are not raised in a place that every other kid has a BB gun. I didn't have one myself, actually, but the neighbor kid did. Also, there are so many things classified by letters, the term BB could mean a credit score or, as an AC pointed out, pencils.

I even just now googled "BB", and didn't get the explanation I assumed it would give. The top references were all about BlackBerry. All of this and more could make it difficult to figure out what "a BB inside of a balloon" means.

In light of that, and having seen my original comment for a day, it does sound like a dickish line. It wasn't meant as such.

So, for those who for whatever reason don't think of air guns when seeing "BB", I do apologize for making it sound like you are stupid or ignorant.

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