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Comment Re:No source? (Score 1) 493

I'm not speaking about alex gabbard. You claim that coil radioactivity is peanuts and I would like to know where you found this information. It's not that I doubt what you say, but as far as I know, you're not a better ref yourself. (I didn't check your background mind you... You could be Stephen Hawking, I wouldn't know. And I don't even know if he know about the matter.)

Comment Re:Geothermal is very big in France. (Score 1) 493

I would invest to much in sea streams energy... With global weather change, they might change course to quickly to be exploited efficiently...

As for "very few impact on ecology", I don't buy it. I means how do to plan to install a big power plant underwater without disturbing life on the area?

And last, banksters don't prefer nuclear. They love new energy sources. It's a new vector of investment and they profit from it. Nuclear power is the most cost efficient way to produce power. But nuclear plants are heavy investment and you don't want to build one if you're not going to use it for the next fifty years. It's a bit long for banksters, really. In France, without the help of the gouvernment, their wouldn't be that much nuclear plant. Granted you think it was a shitty idea, but electricity in France is cheaper than anywhere else in europe. ( The controled market helped that quite a bit too... )

Electricity productors (EDF in this case) don't want to let go nuclear because they simply can't. Replacing all nuclear plant, if it's even possible, will take more time than just 10 years or so. And it's not cheap. The energy market is said to be liberated in France now... But don't worry : EDF have to buy electricity you product if you're not doing anything else with it. So if you build enough plant yourself, EDF won't need its nuclear plant anymore. You see? they Is a way out.

Comment Re:I should add (Score 2) 493

You might want to provide your own source, otherwise your claim won't be taken seriously. I know it's easy to find people spitting on nuclear power, even people who doesn't grasp the basic difference between fission and fusion. It's equally easy to find people religiously pro-nuclear with as much knowlege on the basic principles of the dangers. ( Hell, otherwise, nuclear plants wouldn't risk explosion from natural disasters... )

As I understand it, the true dangers with nuclear power isn't the source of the energy. It's the over-exageration of both the dangers and the safety of it, witch leads to confusion and some greedy bastards on the line profit from it cuting cost without being aware of the disasters that might result.

Comment Re:investment == marketing pukes and ruining thing (Score 1) 355

First, writing bold doesn't make your point better. Stop it.

Second, your point is actually good, but I think it's a bit pessimistic. I don't think investement ruined the internet already. It has more content, more accessible than ten years from now and it's more userfriendly. (And for goddamn sake, the average webpage is now actually readable.)

Then it has its drowbacks... Investors like to get much for their money... So some design aren't what makes sense technically... streaming and online money operation comes to mind, and I'm sure there are other stuffs... But what would be Internet without investors? A collection of half empty pages barely readable for huma eye with pretty much no visibility? Well You can always find that web. It's still there somewhere...

Comment Re:Bad design sense doesn't bring in new business. (Score 1) 330

Well for that matter, I don't know really good desktop environnement outside Linux either. I mean, I'll choose Gnome or KDE over any windows env any day. Not sur about OSx though, cause I don't know it enough, but It doesn't seems ultimate to me. Sweet all right, but still...

Now the desktop env shouldn't really matter when writing app. In the end it's more or less a matter of windows decorator...

Comment Re:Quorum looks a lot like Pascal (Score 1) 538

Most message board have mechanisme to deel with that.
  either with plain text format or code balise or what ever.
    So the indentation can be save. It's not that difficult to do and anyway you should use it when capy/pasting code on whatever.
  Just for the sake of being readable, you know? For the case someone doesn't want to mindlessly copy code they know nothing about...

Comment Re:Support them from your own money (Score 1) 666

Mother nature doesn't exist, and if she does, she made us the way we are, so please stop conjuring her every time you want to feel bad about yourself being human. If we want to survive as a species we have our own challenge, but feeling wrong about what we are won't make anything happen, exept maybe mass extinction. (ironic isn't it?)

More to the point, Red Hats makes money with their business plan and it's good for every one. They very well know their are free alternatives OSes. They even have one themself! So nobody should feel bad for not supporting them. It's nice but it's a matter of conviction. If anything, the only thing you need to worry about is that the lake of support service will come back and shoot you in the foot later. But hey! You had the choice!

Comment Re:Quorum looks a lot like Pascal (Score 1) 538

Copy/Paste is always Error prone, and you very well should reindent it anyway.

A good programmer won't pester all days about forced indentation or brace, yadda yadda yadda... A good programmer have seen enough unspeackable horror code to know this issue isn't really one. Not to say there isn't agruments for either way, but it's really a church battle.

The way I see it, a language that force every one to carefully indent the same way have a good point. If you can't adapt to that, you won't adapt to anything.

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