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Comment Re:More than two sides (Score 1) 1306

listen dude, you're barking up the wrong tree here.

i know you feel it's your christian duty to talk and "witness" to people about god.

but god, and the concept of god (of the Abrahamic religions) has no place in a modern society.

the collected and politically-voted upon stories of desert nomads are no longer relevant.


Comment Re:More than two sides (Score 3, Informative) 1306

it's not about being right or wrong, it's about the churches losing more and more people who are realizing that this religion stuff is nothing more than control.

so the churches fight back by trying to introduce this stuff into schools.

read about the "wedge document" and see what i mean. it is not now, nor was it ever about scientific anything -- it is religious psyops designed to confuse and mislead the public about science in order to win sheep back to the fold.

Comment Re:perhaps they shouldn't vote (Score 2, Interesting) 1306

i don't know why this was modded down.

hyperbole it may or may not be -- but these are the idiots who are ok with science as long as it helps them.

for the IDers, it's not about science, or even being right -- it's about control. it's about establishment of their fundamentalist religious views in the classroom. they are facing the continued irrelevance of their religion, and this is their response. if they can't get people to come to church and believe as they do, then they'll try to force it in school.

this is why it's a big deal, not because of a who is right or wrong -- rather that they want to force this sort of indoctrination of children.

anyone who thinks that scientists fighting this are doing so to protect "Darwinism" with the same fervor as the fundamentalists they oppose fails to see the long-term ramifications of anti-intellectualism and anti-science attitudes.

Comment Re:The best things in life... (Score 2, Interesting) 293

Which (for me) begs the question: How *does* one really become proficient in Linux?

I can install $Distribution on a spare machine and tinker with basic this and that. Beyond that, what else?

I am at a loss with a cohesive direction. There are places (locally) where I can take classes on Linux from beginner to "advanced". However, none of the Linux users I know ever took a class; they just seem to "know".

I'm probably over-simplifying, but I really want to dive into it and really understand it -- but I'm at a loss for any real direction.

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