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Comment The ability to set the text notification to 1 or X (Score 2, Insightful) 606

Right now, it defaults to once, and if you don't unlock the phone, it does it again. I'd like to set it just to once ... period. I figure if they allow you to set it to once, why not to X with some suitable max value.

But I'd settle for once. I get a lot of texts while in meetings, and I don't need the confusing second notification in there making me think I got another. Right now, I just glance at the screen and see what's there without unlocking--it's annoying when I see it's the same text from before.

Comment Didn't break my Perl, did break Catalyst (Score 3, Insightful) 264

The update reverted Scalar::Util, which disabled the weak reference stuff needed by a lot of Catalyst libs. I just re-installed it and it worked again.

But on all my new machines, I just use a local lib instead of the system stuff. I don't need sudo access and then the whole lib gets backed up by Time Machine. If you just upgrade the system perl, you have to re-do it every time you restore from a Time Machine backup (it doesn't copy system stuff as near as I can tell).

Also, as some have observed, CPAN is a bad idea. I say this as someone who got screwed when Catalyst went to 5.7100 (I was at 5.7015). When I did a restore to a new machine, CPAN got all the new Catalyst libs and all my customizations blew up spectacularly.

If you are doing serious Perl development on your local Mac, use a local lib and do not rely on CPAN to automatically handle your dependencies. Install things by hand or create a (perl) script to handle the deps for you. That's what we had to do, as we needed to make sure the module version we used matched our production systems--where we do NOT use CPAN and where we upgrade manually and with careful thought.

Comment Say hello to the 10lb sledge! (Score 1) 527

When I moved across the US a year ago, I had a ton of older hardware and less room to move into (house to apartment). Basically, I gave everything away that I wasn't actively using.

Rather than muck about with secure erasing or degaussers, I just took the dozen drives out to the shed and beat the daylights out of them. Most of my machines were in various states of not running--so the amount of time I would have had to spend putting together a working machine, swapping around more than a dozen older drives, running secure erase on them ... well, it just seemed a lot simpler. There was no way I was giving intact hard drives to random people I did not know, especially drives that may or may not have been erased enough.

I recommend safety goggles. Some of the boards tend to shatter and send little bits flying everywhere :-)

Could some super spy possibly lift data? Maybe. But no ID theft script kiddie will. I saw it like using a paper shredder--only a lot more fun. Sure, some super spy agency might be able to re-assemble shredded documents or lift data from the mangled platters of my drives--but why should I be worried about them? They already have a current file on me, I'm sure--they don't need old drives ;-)

A friend of mine put it nicely: "There's nothing like the feeling of raw destruction you can wreak with a 10lb sledgehammer." It's right up there with using a proper chainsaw. Deconstructing stuff is *fun* :-D

If I am ever worried about super-spies, I look forward to discovering the wonderful destructive power of thermite :-)

Comment Re:Wrong layer (Score 1) 604

I was with you for that whole first list, but you lost me when you got to "control." Control for whom?

The people making the app. Yes, I know that makes freedom folk really upset, but let's set aside the whole "inalienable right to hack" for a sec. You are a large company, and you need to make an app that works for a lot of people over a wide range of machines. If you want to be able to maintain that app, you need a way to make sure customers are using exactly the right version, maybe even have multiple versions specialized for troublesome platforms. And then there's security--how do you make an app secure, prevent data breaches, etc?

For that, you need control. Can it be abused? Sure. But if you have to plan apps for a corporation and your butt is on the line if the app fails, you start to look at issues of control and freedom a little differently.

I'm not saying that it doesn't get abused--it does. I'm just saying there are realities of securing, maintaining and testing applications on a budget that are very difficult, and they only get more difficult as you release more control over the app. Do corps go insane and go too far? Definitely. But if we look down to some of the real problems and the practical solutions to those problems, controlling exactly what the user is using and where that happens is an effective tool.

The "Back to the Mainframe" approach of web apps gives you this element of control.

You don't control what program you're running. Someone else does.

Yep. And as I said in my original post, and here, that's a boon depending on your perspective. I'll grant you it gets abused, but if you are on a budget and you need a secure, maintainable customer facing application, you need a higher degree of control. And web apps are a modern way to do that.

The big problem I have with web apps is that almost none of them are open-source. Just when I have thousands of debian packages worth of applications to choose from, why in the world would I want to revert to a model where half the code is client-side code that I as a user have no control over, and the other half is server-side code that I can't even see?

As I've been trying to point out, your perspective is different from a VP of Tech for a bank or investment firm. And even if you weren't one of those risk adverse people, the advantages of a web app in terms of maintenance and upgrades is huge. Also from a development perspective, you have easily halved, if not quartered, your development costs. Cross platform development is very, very expensive. Cross browser development is expensive, but it doesn't even come close to Windows + Mac cross platform development, and never mind adding Linux to that mix.

I've done cross platform. The only way to keep it cheap(er) is to use something like Java. And then it looks like crap on ALL the platforms.

So, as a firm with a budget (and I think that excludes 99% of open source projects) web apps are very appealing. Unless there is a technical reason for why a web app just won't work, most firms choose it for those reasons. And even when it won't work, they choose the web app anyways and cut features to make it feasible--because the advantages of cheap, maintainable cross-platform development are not easily dismissed.

All that said, I can see why most open source people turn their nose up at web apps. It's not sexy, and it's often very difficult to do anything clever. And let's not talk about installation--now someone needs to setup databases and apache? Compare that to downloading a binary and just running, it can all be very tedious.

I've made my bread and butter off web apps. Heck, you could say web apps and Java bought my house! But the first real fun I have had in years was making an iPhone app. So I understand people who might not like web apps or regard them as a step back--I feel it too. But my next paycheck is coming in from a Perl, Catalyst-based web app that is customer facing.

So I work for the man to enslave the masses and maintain control during the day, and then I hack on my little apps at night :-D


Astronomers Locate Solar System Very Similar To Our Own 101

Smivs writes "Astronomers from St Andrews University in the UK have discovered a planetary system which looks much like our own. Dr Martin Dominik told BBC news: 'We found a system with two planets that take the roles of Jupiter and Saturn in our Solar System. These two planets have a similar mass ratio and similar orbital radius and a similar orbital period. The newfound planetary system, which orbits the star OGLE-2006-BLG-109L, is more compact than our own and is about five thousand light-years away. The OGLE planets were found using a technique called gravitational micro-lensing, in which light from the faraway planets is bent and magnified by the gravity of a foreground object, in this case a another star.'" Update: 04/08 12:26 GMT by Z : This story is talking about a subject we have already discussed.

Intermediate-Mass Black Hole Found In Omega Centauri 89

esocid sends us to the European Space Agency's site for news of a new discovery that appears to resolve the long-standing mystery surrounding Omega Centauri, the largest and brightest globular cluster in the sky. The object is 17,000 light-years distant and is located just above the plane of the Milky Way. Seen from a dark rural area in the southern hemisphere, Omega Centauri appears almost as large as the full moon. What the researchers discovered is a black hole of 40,000 solar masses in the cluster's center. From the press release: "Images obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys onboard the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope and data obtained by the GMOS spectrograph on the Gemini South telescope in Chile show that Omega Centauri appears to harbor an elusive intermediate-mass black hole in its center... Exactly how Omega Centauri should be classified has always been a contentious topic. It was first listed in Ptolemy's catalog nearly two thousand years ago as a single star. Edmond Halley reported it as a nebula in 1677. In the 1830s the English astronomer John Herschel was the first to recognize it as a globular cluster. Now, more than a century later, this new result suggests Omega Centauri is not a globular cluster at all, but a dwarf galaxy stripped of its outer stars. According to scientists, these intermediate-mass black holes could turn out to be baby supermassive black holes."

HTC Shift + ThinkPad X300 + MacBook Air = Perfect Notebook? 108

Tom's Hardware has an interesting look at the HTC Shift, the newest contender in the ultralight portable arena, with a strong compare and contrast to the other two heavyweights, the ThinkPad X300 and the Macbook Air. "As some of you know, I actually like the Macbook Air but found the Lenovo ThinkPad X300 to be a vastly more useful product in the class. I'm one of the few folks that have been using an early version of the HTC Shift , a smaller screened ultra light tablet with a keyboard and a touch screen which is superior to both offerings in some ways and just released on Amazon.com for $1500 (someone screwed up, this wasn't supposed to happen until next week). This got me thinking: The perfect next generation ultra-sexy notebook should be a blend of all three products."

When Are Kids Old Enough to Play Videogames? 503

A piece at the MTV Multiplayer blog is exploring the issue of kids and gaming, wondering aloud how old is 'old enough'. A recent CES talk indicated that you should wait until at least seven to introduce your children to Mario, and we've talked in the past about the educational role games can have. MTV's Tracey John spoke to a pair of mothers who offered their own opinions on this topic: "When I asked Alisa why she thought that games weren't imaginative and explained that many games have challenging, puzzle-solving elements, she conceded a little but remained skeptical. 'Honestly, I haven't really explored video games thoroughly, and I'm sure there are video games that fit more the bill of something that I'd be interested in, but I'm kind of hard-pressed to find a game that's like reading a book or something like that. I understand the kids like it, so I allow them to do it; it's monitored but it's not my favorite thing for them to be doing.'" What's the right age for a kid to start playing games? Do you see games as more or less acceptable than traditional kid pastimes like TV or reading? Does it matter if the parents are gaming-savvy?
Book Reviews

PHP In Action: Objects, Design, Agility 232

Michael J. Ross writes "Despite being perhaps the most popular Web language in use, PHP has for much of its history been criticized for not offering the full capabilities of object-oriented programming (OOP). But with the release of version 5, PHP introduced a robust object model, and made it easier for its proponents to create well-architected Web sites and applications. In turn, the new OOP capabilities have facilitated additional best practices, such as design patterns, test-driven development, continual refactoring, and HTML templates. These topics and more are explored in the book PHP in Action: Objects, Design, Agility."

iPhone Trojan Sign of Things to Come? 151

climber writes "Just days after the first scareware for OSX, researchers are pondering the problems of an iPhone exploit that could lead to larger issues. The Trojan pulls legitimate apps off the phone if you try to remove it, but it only infects iPhones that have 'been modified or opened through a security hole in the system.' Though this worm is more of an annoyance than anything else, it could be a proof of concept for a more serious attack. 'The fear is hackers may be experimenting and gathering research that will increase the dangers of a more malicious attack in the near future. It is clear at least one writer -- the author of this piece at Web Worker Daily -- thinks that the iPhone should be left on the dresser in the morning. She offers several reasons that the device isn't a good corporate tool.'"

Perl 5.10, 20 Year Anniversary 304

alfcateat writes "Perl 1 was released to the public by Larry Wall 20 years ago yesterday. To celebrate, Perl5Porters have released Perl5.10, the latest stable version of Perl 5. Happy Birthday Perl! Perl 5.10 isn't just a bug fix version: it's full of new features that I'm eager to use: named captures in regular expressions, state variables for subroutines, the defined-or operator, a switch statement (called given-when, though), a faster regex engine, and more. You can read more about the changes in perldelta."

Submission + - Video of Star Wars Arcade on a Oscilloscope (gizmodo.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Here's an exclusive video of the classic Star Wars arcade running on an oscilloscope thanks to a sound card and a specially patched version of MAME. We talked in detail with James Brown — the author of this hack, not the Godfather of Soul — about how he did it and the possibilities for his hack. Among them: connect it to a real laser cannon. I can't wait to see that happening.

Dinosaur Fossil Found With Preserved Soft Tissue 248

damn_registrars writes "A fossilized hadrosaur has been uncovered in South Dakota that has preserved soft tissue. This is described as a "mummified" dinosaur, and allows for a look at the skin and musculature of some parts of this animal. The find was reported by a 24 year old Yale graduate student of paleontology."

Verizon Wireless To Open Network 286

A number of readers are letting us know about Verizon's plans, announced today, to open their nationwide wireless network to devices that they don't sell. A NYTimes blog posting puts VZW's announcement in industry context. From the press release: "In early 2008, the company will publish the technical standards the development community will need to design products to interface with the Verizon Wireless network. Any device that meets the minimum technical standard will be activated on the network. Devices will be tested and approved in a $20 million state-of-the-art testing lab which received an additional investment this year to gear up for the anticipated new demand. Any application the customer chooses will be allowed on these devices."

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