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Role Playing (Games)

Fox News / EA Spar Over Mass Effect 'Controversy' 192

The whacked out rantings of Kevin McCullogh have been a hot topic on games blogs in recent weeks, as his lurid description of Mass Effect prompted vitriol from actual gamers. That exchange would have been easily left behind if not for the fact that Fox News stepped into the fray, adding a measure of 'fair and balanced' to the discussion. Their 'Sexbox Sexpose' drew in veteran games journalist Geoff Keighley, who optimistically thought he'd be given the chance to set the record straight. Instead they filled the airwaves with plainly false generalizations about the game's sexual content. Kotaku is reporting that EA is fighting back, protecting BioWare's property and demanding a correction. From EA's letter to Fox: "The resulting coverage was insulting to the men and women who spent years creating a game which is acclaimed by critics for its high creative standards. As video games continue to take audiences away from television, we expect to see more TV news stories warning parents about the corrupting influence of interactive entertainment. But this represents a new level of recklessness." I hope the EA folks aren't holding their breath.

Submission + - "Hackers on steroids" declare war on Scien (

modemac writes: "Last week, a Scientology video featuring Tom Cruise was forced off of YouTube and other sites by the organization's all-too-familiar legal threats. It seems this was the catalyst for the denizens of 4chan and its sister sites to launch a massive worldwide attack against the Church of Scientology. Over the past week, Scientology domains and Web sites have been taken down by DDOS attacks, phone numbers have been flooded with prank calls, and the infamous "secret Scientology documents" that took the Net by storm in the mid-1990s have re-surfaced once again. The same group of "hackers on steroids" who took down racist radio host Hal Turner (and were laughingly "exposed" by Fox News last year) got it into their heads to take on the Evil Empire of the Internet. The result so far: EPIC LULZ. A a very brief summary of the whole affair can be found on this Web site explaining the ANONYMOUS hacker group, with links to other sources of information."
PlayStation (Games)

Submission + - Devil May Cry 4: First Demos Released! (

Steven Leigh writes: "Devil May Cry is a very special game series. What was originally planned as a continuation of the Resident Evil series, quickly became its completely own game, and in the eyes of many even evolved into a new genre. One thing is certain, no other action game to date has demanded such ludicrous manoeuvres and rewarded those who executed them with such spectacular visuals and endless combos. After three huge commercial successes, many gamers are excitedly waiting for the fourth title that will be released on February 8th. Enough waiting: Fans can now get their hands on the demo immediately. Demos of the big Capcom title are being released today for Playstation 3 and Xbox 360. While Playstation owners are already in love with the series, Microsoft landed a small coup by getting the demo released onto their platform at the same time. The PC version has no concrete release date. The graphics are already the focus of praise. If you like spectacular games, then you need to download the demo. In the demo you are offered some first insights into different select surroundings. As Nero you can try out the new weapon Devil Bringer, be introduced to new capabilities, and get excited over a full-blown showdown at the end — and do everything at 60 frames per second in a 720p resolution. It's at least worth trying."
Hardware Hacking

Submission + - Will technology ever understand human nuances? 1

An anonymous reader writes: I was just watching this video on CNET featuring a cab driver racing a GPS-enabled car — the car wins it, but something the cab driver said got me thinking. During the race he commented on how GPS systems will always fail because people don't always refer to street names or solid locations, which is true in most of my cab rides around the city. Most of the time I know where I want to get to but I don't always know the name of the street, fortunately by describing a few random details most cab drivers figure out what I'm talking about but a current GPS system couldn't do that. Yes there's voice recognition, motion sensors and other 'human-aware' tech out there but do you think that technology will ever be able to bridge the nuance gap?
United States

Submission + - Trouble in Liberal Paradise. Dear Mr. Obama, where (

ChrisNYC2007 writes: "Liberal Values and other Obama supporters are doing Yeoman's work in defending Obama with expert and exceptionally well executed parrys, beats, remises and ripostes — but they're so involved in a heated pitched battle that I'm afraid they don't really understand why they're forced into this kind of battle at all. Obama supporters are overlooking a fundamental weakness with Obama: the Clintons are aware of it — and they're taking maximum advantage of it. It all comes down to the question: "Dear Mr. Obama — where's the beef?""
Internet Explorer

IE8 May Not Pass the Acid2 Test After All 434

dotne writes "CNET has published an article called Acid2, Acid3 and the power of default. The article predicts that IE8 will not pass the Acid2 test after all: '[Another] scenario could be that Microsoft requires Web pages to change the default settings by flagging that they really, really want to be rendered correctly. Web pages already have a way to say this (called doctype switching, which is supported by all browsers), but Microsoft has all but announced that IE8 will support yet another scheme. If the company decides to implement the new scheme, the Acid2 test — and all the other pages that use doctype switching — will not be rendered correctly.' Microsoft's IE8 render modes have been discussed here previously, and they've caused an uproar in the web development community. According to the scheme, authors must put Microsoft-specific <meta> tags into their pages in order for them to be rendered correctly. I doubt Acid2, nor Acid3 will have Microsoft extensions in them."

Submission + - Ethical storm as scientist becomes first man to cl (

Bhupendra writes: A scientist has achieved a world first... by cloning himself. In a breakthrough certain to provoke an ethical furore, Samuel Wood created embryo copies of himself by placing his skin cells in a woman's egg. The embryos were the first to be made from cells taken from adult humans. Although they survived for only five days and were smaller than a pinhead, they are seen as a milestone in the quest for treatments for diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. But critics fear the technology could be exploited by mavericks to clone babies and accused the scientists of reducing the miracle of human life to a factory of spare parts...

Submission + - Flash & the death of optical discs and HDDs ( 1

Jason Chang writes: It's no secret that flash memory's technology is on the rise, but CNet UK is running an argumentative story arguing that not only will flash destroy optical media while aiding on-demand distribution, but that it will also cripple hard disks. The article argues users would choose on-demand movies over padded-out Blu-ray discs, software makers will prefer the security offered by flash and that even video games consoles would be better off with Ethernet and flash, instead of high-capacity discs. Controversial, but concluded with limitations of a flash-dominated industry.

(Though this could all be rendered moot.)

PC Games (Games)

Submission + - MMO Gaming List - Current and Future Games! (

cgenetwork writes: "MMO Gaming List — Current and Future Games! The following list below shows all the current and yet to be announced MMO games, in a number of genres, such as MMORPG, MMO Spots and RTS and many more. We hope you enjoy the list, as this will be updated every so often by the CGE Network Team. We also recommend members to post their own opinions and other games which they might have found."
The Courts

Submission + - MIT student plans to take on RIAA (

NewYorkCountryLawyer writes: "MIT's online newspaper, "The Tech", reports that a student named as a "John Doe" by the RIAA is planning to fight back. The anonymous student told The Tech that he is "the victim of a fishing expedition by the RIAA," and is "disappointed that MIT isn't going to step up.... Other schools like Boston University and the University of Oregon have resisted RIAA subpoenas of student records more actively than MIT has, he said". Maybe his attorneys will be able to get some assistance from some of the Harvard Law School students in Professor Nesson's "Evidence" class, who have been assigned — as part of their coursework — the drafting of a motion to quash an RIAA subpoena (See "RIAA and University" under "Guilt beyond reasonable doubt")."

The Tree of Life Consolidates 266

Roland Piquepaille writes "The Tree of Life is an expression first used by Charles Darwin to describe the diversity of organisms on Earth and their evolutionary history. There are only two life forms, — eukaryotes, which gather their genetic material in a nucleus, and prokaryotes, such as bacteria, which have their genetic material floating freely in the cell. Until recently, eukaryotes, which include humans, were divided into five groups. But now, based on work by European researchers, the Tree of Life has lost a branch. After doing the largest ever genetic comparison of life forms they concluded that there are only four groups of eukaryotes."

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