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Comment Re:Capacity or Cost? (Score 1) 237

With civil asset forfeiture and certain "trivial traffic infractions", often the police department is, in fact, generating profit.

We have a small town here in CO named "Mountain View", a suburb of Denver. It is like eight blocks by three blocks. BUT, they have the west side of Sheridan Blvd as "in their city limits". Don't drive with a broken taillight, missing a license plate lamp, or with anything hanging from your rear view mirror. You will get pulled over.

Two years ago I got pulled over for a HANDICAPPED placard on my rearview.. Yes, really.

Comment Re:I knew it (Score 1) 94

I've logged hours, in one sitting, on Cardboard-based and Oculus-based VR systems. Cardboard does have a bit of a lag on some phones (performance isn't that great on my Galaxy S4, for example), but on a Pixel it's just fine. And Oculus is pretty smooth as well in both its Samsung phone-based iteration and the stand-alone PC-based hardware. By in large the motion sickness problems have been solved by a combination of high refresh rates, very sensitive positional data, and "blurring on movement".

Comment Re:Bullshit. (Score 1) 151

You've obviously never stayed at a Motel 6. Usually bedsheets, chairs, and room decorations are all consistent between build dates (or latest remodel years). I've been in three different Motel 6's within the last three weeks, all looked the same except for the teeniest details, such as the view out the window and the precise position of the air conditioning.

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