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Comment Re:Hah! (Score 1) 247

Why doesn't it come up on their Career page when you select any USA region? Even selecting "Engineering" and all OTHER (non Sunnyvale) locations doesn't come up with any results. They obviously better web developers.

Comment Re:I hate that I have to say this cliche comment (Score 1) 204

I did answer that question two days ago when you first posed it. I answered, "yourself." It may have not submitted. We all know people kill people. That is not a new, refreshing argument to me.

How can you say I have a fear of firearms from taking a pro-regulation stance on secondary sales of guns? I never said I would rather regulate firearms then spend the money spending money on an unrelated issue that would save more lives, like cancer research (a field I would much rather fund). I took a position on how to solve the one problem that these legislators are looking to solve--decreasing gun-related crimes--Not decreasing all overall US fatalities. Honestly, my "personal stance" I'm taking is not at all based on personal experience, but rather what I think legislators should consider over video game regulation.

How is registering a secondary sale "serve to remove constitutional rights from law abiding citizens"? It is extra time. Yes. It is extra money. Yes. There would need to be a comprehensive database set up to track these purchases, and I'm guessing gun owners would have to fill out annoying paperwork or online forms to complete a transaction with a secondary, private owner. And a stupid little agency filled with bored data entry employees would have to be established. But would the regulations prevent law abiding citizens from owning a gun? No.

Comment Re:I hate that I have to say this cliche comment (Score 1) 204

We both know that finding causal evidence linking unregistered secondary gun sales to an increase or decrease in a gun-related crime is impossible to obtain because you cannot design a perfect, controlled study for this. The best that any statistic can do is correlate two factors. An increase in gun regulation is correlated with a decrease in gun-related crime rate. Now, let me ask you something. Can you disprove this? Isn't my theory valid until it's disproven?

The regulation would cost money. Would the money be better spent on guard ways lining our freeways to prevent road fatalities? Probably. But if legislators are looking to prevent gun related deaths and that is their main goal, I'm saying try regulating gun purchases and tracking guns. Then see if correlated evidence shows a decrease in the gun related accidents/crime, and adjust the regulation accordingly. This is a better set of regulations then banning video games if your goal is to decrease gun-related crimes by minors.

Comment Re:I hate that I have to say this cliche comment (Score 1) 204

Looks like all ammunition is registered and secondary gun sales are tracked/registered. More regulations are outlined here

If the US were to put a system whereby each primary gun sale between a vendor and a new owner and each secondary, private gun sale between non-vendors were entered into a government database along with an ID number that was placed on the gun, it could hopefully reduce the gun-related crime rate. But I'm not for useless regulation. If no correlation between the new regulations and a decrease in gun-related crime rates exists over a period of say 5-10 years, then by all means, remove the regulation.

Comment Re:I hate that I have to say this cliche comment (Score 1) 204

I have said this before, I don't want to ban guns but I think more regulation is needed

Other sources argue the Swiss may have a low murder rate to to higher gun regulation.
Your statement that the Swiss have a huge gun culture is true. But the US still exceeds all other countries per capita. The Swiss come in third.

I was curious about the motives for murder in the US. I found these stats on
why murders happen in the US. Not one motives stats "Due to Video Game Influence" which leads me to my original point: a better (imperfect, but still better) approach to controlling teen violence is modifying gun laws NOT regulating video games.

Comment Re:I hate that I have to say this cliche comment (Score 0) 204

Modifying gun laws does not mean banning guns. Regulating all secondary market sales could help.

"Over twenty states regulate all secondary sales through registration or licensing requirements. In the states that have no such regulation, the secondary market allows minors and criminals to easily obtain weapons. This is the so-called "gun show" loophole."
Quotation from this helpful site on the issue

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