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Comment Re:Verizon won't roll them out to kiosks. . . (Score 1) 412

The whole point is that non-geek people do not think like we do and for the matter HTC is HTC to the layman, whether it's a Desire or a Smart.

This honestly hasn't been my experience at all. I'm not a layperson myself, but the ones I know call all android phones "Droids", regardless of the manufacturer or carrier.

I think you made the right choice for your household, though. If you call the iphone "the real thing" in another post, then clearly there are assumptions being made, and the easiest and best thing to do for household harmony is meeting them.

Comment Re:Windows Mobile vs. WP7 (Score 1) 412

How has Microsoft "changed their mobile strategy every five minutes" ? They rebuilt their platform. That's 1 (one) change.

One change if you count the last one change, but I think Picass0 was talking about their Windows Mobile strategy as well. Microsoft called the same product as it gained new versions...
Pocket PC 2000
Pocket PC 2002
Windows Mobile 2003, 2003SE
Windows Mobile 5
Windows Mobile 6
Windows Mobile 6.1
Windows Mobile 6.5
Windows Mobile 6.1

Those at times had prefixes like "Phone", "Smartphone", "Classic", "Professional", "Standard" and so on tacked on to the end, with a strange mismash of compatibility.

Even after announcing WM7 they kept the game up with WM6.5x, but I think they are going in the right direction now. I really can't blame anyone who has already given up, though.

Comment Re:Well, they screwed up with 11 (Score 1) 441

I liked it on my netbook.

I suppose I like it *more* than where Gnome is going, but I was/am pretty happy with my modified setup using Gnome 2.

Cripes, though. :/ Every time I read up on Gnome ignoring another set of interoperability standards I feel like giving KDE a try again... I love Linux, but it really depresses me how even the simplest things can't be agreed on.

Comment Re:Not bad. (Score 1) 441

And by "far" less you mean a 4 dollar difference on average. But hey, let's ignore the millions of sales for PC games like Half-Life 2, Starcraft II, etc at $50 a piece.

Wait, so if the Linux users paid $2 on average and the Windows users paid $4 less on average, the Humble Bundle paid Windows users to download their games?

I realized you just meant 4 less out of the total after rereading, but that was less entertaining.

Comment Re:Um, how (Score 1) 138

No"BODY" is listening, but computers are analyzing every call and transcribing it to text?

Hmm, I would guess there would need to be at least some spot-checks that the transcription is working properly.

You do, when you click the check-mark or the red X after listening to it. However, that is a good point -- here Google says nobody will listen to your voicemail, but they still let you listen to it. So much for don't be evil! (This is sarcasm.)

As for other people getting ahold of the transcriptions... not to be too facetious, but given how bad the quality currently is, nobody should worry about that yet. ;)

Comment Re:No. (Score 1) 511

and the MacBook is the first computer I've ever used where power management actually, really works.

My current job is a mac shop, so we all use macs. Overall, I'm liking it more than the last time I used Windows -- and I don't mean that as an insult to Windows, I'm just used to things working the way I think they should. :)

I wouldn't have said Power Management works better, though. The way my mac always wants to suspend when I shut the lid, and how I can't configure it to do otherwise, even via obscure console commands (these are more common for special settings on a Mac than you'd think) -- anyway, it really annoys me.

I was able to find a special program to inhibit sleeping, though. The most annoying thing for me now is no "focus follows mouse". :( The closest I could get was "focus follows mouse with autoraise".

Comment Re:Um, and this is surprising, how ? (Score 1) 395

Apple isn't the only entity with rights, you know.

That said, I kind of agree they don't need to invite Gizmodo to their party. If I was a Gizmodo editor, I certainly wouldn't want to own any Apple-made products; it was kind of sad reading how the police broke down their editor's door and made off with Macbooks, Apple monitors, ipods and so on.

Comment Re:if you pick a fight, don't whine if you lose it (Score 1) 459

Stop blaming the actual victims and start blaming the people who make and distribute unauthorized copies. Everything you complain about makes you a secondary victim and you are too busy blaming the primary victims to actually go after those that are the cause of all this.

So, um. We should let the company metaphorically screw us over and not take our business elsewhere because *someone else* is making the company have a bad day?

Heeee. How about no? Go out of business already. Or better yet, let's put some real work into punishing those that "victimize" others. No amount of vaguely-worded stratospheric claims of piracy is going to make it okay to punish people who never wronged them, nor committed any crime.

Comment Re:More likely, (Score 5, Interesting) 344

I had a similar yet oh-so-different experience in elementary school; I was less innocent to begin with, having found out the school was keeping test scores on a shared network drive with no password while I was trying to do something I vaguely recall had to do with getting a bomberman clone running.

I told a teacher and happily went on my way; a few days later, the principal, a very friendly and well liked guy, called me to his office and nicely asked me not to browse the network shares on the school computers; it wasn't until years and years later that I found out what had almost happened to me.

Years and years later, I found out from my parents that the school IT adminstrator had wanted to press criminal charges against me, expel me, and all that, and had convinced the board to go along with it. The school principle refused to do it and threatened to resign.

Now, after college and after years of hearing all these horror stories from friends and reading about them online, I appreciate what an amazing principal my school had, and how lucky I was.

Comment Re:Firefox lite. (Score 5, Insightful) 464

I know. You'd be surprised how many people would love an internet browser that does nothing but display a web page as fast as possible.

Better way of phrasing that starts with 'You'd be surprised how few people..."

Let's face it -- Aurora, Midori, and other browsers that do that have been around for years. People don't use them because they want more their browser to do more.

Comment Re:Only Apple (Score 2, Insightful) 624

I find it hilarious to see all the kindle owners ragging on the ipad for being overpriced and ...

Ah, but if you already own a Kindle (it came out before the iPad, donchaknow), it's much cheaper than buying an iPad.

Cost, battery life, *and* free wireless data. (I believe you'll find the iPad has a better browser, but hey. ;) Not that related, but you CAN "root" a Kindle, and put Linux programs on it. That doesn't magically give it the power or display of the ipad, but hey, at least you'd have a physical keyboard, right?

Comment Re:Both Good and Bad (Score 1) 286

Most of my cities are Buddhist, but my Aztec neighbor is Hindu. Is it more important to me right now to maximize the happiness/production of my cities by choosing Buddhist, or to make Montezuma happier with me by being Hindu?

That depends; would the happiness booth from being Buddhist make up for the war weariness, and would the production boost make up for having to build a military to strong enough to stop Monty? Not that being the same religion will STOP him, per-se, but maybe it'll push the conflict off a bit while he goes after his other neighbors.

Of course, compared to Alexander, Montezuma's a dove.

Comment Re:Who said it was anti-technology? (Score 1) 870

If it was retelling the story of the native Americans, wouldn't the humans have been planting colonies on Pandora?

That would have actually made *sense*, too. I don't mind a story about humanity destroying earth's ecology, but it has to make sense -- if we can reach other planets and transport metal across the stars, we can transport people, too... but instead, all the humans in Avatar did was plant mines.

For that matter, if you can go between solar systems in 5 years, you can hit an on-planet target with a kinetic strike instead of moving within range of native arrows. Sci-fi without the sci... and with gaping plot holes.

Primary takeaway: James Cameron is an awful storyteller.

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