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Comment Does Ripoff Report encourage defamation? (Score 2) 145

It's an honest question since I know nothing about this website. I thought this court motion from the defendants was very interesting, especially this part:

"Xcentric encourages consumers to post complaints about companies, while at the same time offering its “services” to help these companies improve their image -- for a fee. Xcentric’s practices are controversial. In one recent lawsuit, the plaintiff alleged that Xcentric “actively solicit[s] defamatory content from third parties and directly encourage[s] the use of hyperbole and exaggeration in the title and body of the complaint to maximize the impact and marketability of false reports.”"

The motion then goes on to say that this issue is addressed in an faq on Ripoff Report's website, but I was unable to find it. While I certainly don't agree with the brittish model of "sue for libel first, ask questions later", I think we're all in agreement that protecting defamation is definitely not in the spirit of free speech. Is this really part of Ripoff Report's business plan? Anyone familiar with Ripoff Report care to enlighten?

Comment Re:I just want to know... (Score 1) 112

Based on this article, I would count on quantum computing having a big impact on computer graphics. A quantum algorithm that can crunch matrices exponentially faster than current techniques would be as important for graphics (and many other fields) as a quantum computer's ability to quickly factor large numbers would be for cryptography.

Comment Re:Why it works for Google/Yahoo/Facebook (Score 1) 78

Actually, while I was also irked by the buzzword-compliance of TFA, I think the point about linking virtualization and the cloud with giving small businesses access to data tools is actually quite valid. Storage and processing are commodities now thanks to these technologies, which significantly reduces the staff and overhead required for a startup or small company to utilize large data sets. I work for a small web design and hosting company and we certainly wouldn't be considering scaling up our data management solutions for our clients if we had to carry the whole infrastructure on our backs. And just because you haven't thought of a novel way to leverage a lot of data doesn't mean that another company won't (and they will).

You really think the housing market (or the 'business model' of building homes) didn't change with the invention of the hammer? I suppose the business model of IT didn't change when people stopped coding in assembly - after all, coding in C is the same thing only faster, and what's all the hype around high level languages since they don't do anything by themselves without a team of software analysts and programmers? I'm actually surprised your post got modded so high since the first half basically amounts to "If it's worth doing it would have been done by now" and the second half is a just a bizarre, directionless and inappropriate outpouring of nerd rage. I guess it's just feels good to rally around someone declaring the popular technology du-jour irrelevant (in this case the cloud - a popular target around here). I'm actually finding it difficult to simultaneously respond to your uninformed opinions and your disrespectful attitude without feeling some nerd rage myself. We should be fucking ashamed? Really?

Comment Re:I used iTunes many years ago and it was horribl (Score 1) 390

That's because iTunes intentionally breaks the id3 tag standard, and it's not the only standard it flouts. Virtually all of the tags that iTunes writes are encrypted and shoehorned into the 'comments' section of the standard id3 header, making it impossible for any non-Apple product to read. Not only that but the open daap music sharing protocol that APPLE HELPED DEVELOP was broken by iTunes when they realized that they could lock users into using iTunes to share music. You can't share a media library between iTunes and linux, even though they use the same supposedly 'open' standard.

Comment Re:Hard core (Score 1) 147

I also took formal language theory and found it to be one of the most thought provoking classes I ever took as well as one of the most difficult. The bi weekly assignments would take me about 20 hours, but man I learned a lot, including how to program a turing machine, an exercise in abstraction which still blows my mind. I'd like to give a big shoutout to my professor, David Barrington, an amazing teacher who also seems to be doing very interesting work in the analysis of this paper. See links to his posts here

Comment Re:I Don't Think This Was Well Thought Out (Score 1) 787

Maybe that's because it is our fault? The third world's environmental problems didn't occur in a vacuum, you know.

Here's how the story goes: $THIRD_WORLD_COUNTRY whithers under the yoke of colonialism until ~1945-1970 when it is freed by popular resistance. The former colonial power attributes this to their own benevolence, although the bloodiness of the revolution sets the bar for violence in the country's future conflicts. It's first popularly elected leader is assassinated by a CIA-manufactured resistance consisting of mercenaries and members of whatever local ethnic minority enjoyed privileges under colonialism. A puppet dictator is installed who plunges the country into an unbridled kleptocracy. (see: Zaire, Iraq, Panama, etc)

During the 1970s, corruption is rampant and large payoffs, err, aid packages, from the West simply disappear. In the 1980s, banks and business leaders become frustrated by the cost of this ideological (anti-communist) game of neo-imperialism and demand returns on their investments. The IMF, which for all intents and purposes is the only credit available for these countries, demands sharp reductions in environmental and labor standards for any country they loan to, essentially blackmailing countries into changing their own sovereign laws enacted to afford their citizens basic protections from economic abuse. The laws in the US don't resemble anything near these policies. (see: corn subsidies, public utilities, California, etc)

A race to the bottom for environmental and labor standards ensues, leading to widespread environmental disaster. Evidence begins to accumulate that the pollution resulting from these policies is having a global effect. Clueless conservatives, railing against perceived disparities in the financing of proposed solutions (using inflammatory metrics like cost versus population instead of cost versus GDP) wonder out loud (very loud indeed) where $THIRD_WORLD_COUNTRY gets off blaming 'merica for the environmental mess they got their own wasteful, greedy selves into, while enjoying a reduced cost of living at the third world's expense.

Comment Re:If women are so smart . . . (Score 1, Troll) 928

Oh please. Men are on average about 12kg larger than women and are much more prone to spousal abuse - It's because of men that domestic violence is framed as a women's issue. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, women are 7 to 10 times more likely to be injured during an act of violence, while men commit 90% of domestic homicides, and before you start complaining about the unfair treatment men get from public institutions, maybe you should have taken the time to find out that women are much more likely to be convicted for murdering their spouses than men.

Also, could you please cite statistics for the "commonly shocking occurrence" of women tricking men into raising children that arent' their own, especially in regards to the other "shockingly common occurrence" of men skipping town after getting their partner pregnant? Or women forced to raise children conceived by rape - how's that for "having no say in how the pregnancy turns out"? Just try to tell me with a straight face that men get raped by women as much as women get raped by men. You mentioned molested boys, but do you really think that it's women that are abusing them?

Your indignation at Americans not taking "men's issues seriously" and then citing examples like rape and domestic violence is absurd since those areas in particular lay bare the fact that men and women's issues are inherently different. If anything, Americans elevate "men's issues" (crime, unemployment, war) disproportionately over other pressing issues, like equality, which you seem to have a seething disdain for (is your solution to racism for minorities to "grow up and take responsibility for all the crap they do" to white people?). Nice straw man, but your meaningless call for women to "as a group decide to grow up" is childish especially since all the "crap" you mentioned is a much worse problem for women.

Comment Re:And good luck with Google, too (Score 1) 769

And you are exposed to none compatible solutions. The number of doc out there that still use insmod/rmmod instead of modprobe is high. The number of solutions that tell to install software manually instead of using the one from your distro repository is high.

I wish I could mod you up. This is exactly why google and forums will _never_ replace good documentation, no matter what the apologists say. I use linux as my primary operating system, and I have to agree that this is really bug #1. There are countless distributions of linux, each with different releases running different combinations of different versions of software. This means that either:

a) I can search for my particular problem without detailing the exact distribution, version, software packages and versions I'm running and end up pulling my hair out trying to use a debian solution for a red hat problem, or finding solutions that don't work anymore because they're for old versions of my software or distribution


b) I can detail everything, but not find any solutions because the 8.0 solution is the same as the 7.0 one, and since noone likes to duplicate effort (especially unpaid volunteers), nothing was written for my _exact_ problem with my _exact_ system configuration etc.


c) I can post on a forum and wait for a volunteer to answer. This is unacceptable - I want the solution now, not in the undetermined amount of time before someone responds, which can take a very long time for obscure problems.

Add this to the crap search capability of most forums and the system breaks down into the fragmented, distributed nightmare from linux hell. Official documentation will always be relevant to a software's current release, and maybe even support some older releases too. There's no ambiguity. However, many linux developers (I'm looking at you, linuxsampler) think that web forums (or worse, mailing lists) are somehow a replacement for adequate documentation. They're not. The amount of time I spend googling solutions to what should be simple problems because of confusing, incomplete or non-existent manpages or documentation has a serious effect on my productivity using linux.

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