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Comment Re:But it is horribly wrong anyway. (Score 5, Insightful) 458

Newtonian Gravity isn't correct either, we still use it in limited scope. It doesn't mean that Relativity is prevented from the same usage.

But it is still far from correct and the day people finally accept that and move on, maybe some actual research will get done. Dark Matter and Dark Energy are literal blackholes of knowledge that rips Relativity apart in every sense of the metaphor.

There is hardly a contradiction, just you putting meaning where there is none.

You know that building you live in? Built with Newtonian mechanics. That's why it stays up.

And the sat-nav in your phone? That uses general relativity. If it didn't, it wouldn't be able to locate you in the right country, let alone on the right street.

Newtonian mechanics and general relativity have been proven correct many times over. What they are though is incomplete. And there's a mountain of research happening right now to work out why.

Comment Re:Ob frosty (Score 1) 263

Sending someone to prison for ten years (or at all) for downloading the latest episode of some crap TV show or movie for their personal use is ridiculous.

It is, and I believe I hinted at this possibility with the following:

However, it'll be all too easy to abuse this sort of measure, and end up with the disproportion going the other way.

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