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Comment Re:Why would the Algorithm break? (Score 1) 620

FP is just another tool in a programmer's tool box. If you tend to think imperatively, and want total control over data structures and access time, then either an imperative language will be a more appropriate tool for your problem.
Or you fall into the description of the article where it is hard to break out of the imperative thinking process to be able to effectively use FP languages. There just might be another way to solve your problem without using doubly linked lists.

Comment Re:Why would the Algorithm break? (Score 1) 620

indeed .. thats why functional languages are useful. The claim made in the article is that this is merely and exaggeration:

Getting good at functional programming is hard, harder than moving from iterative Pascal or Basic or C coding to object-oriented development. It's an exaggeration but a useful one: When you move to FP, all your algorithms break

If you can get passed the idea that you only have immutable variables, you can do pretty much anything you usually do in other sequential languages. The algorithms are identical at an abstract level.
If however your algorithms are more concrete and you tend to think about variables when developing them, you are in for a hard time.


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