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Comment Re:It's not about innovation (Score 1) 219

In an age where you can patent a rectangle, is it really about innovation anymore?

I just wanted to notify you, informally, that you've infringed upon my patent that details a process for complaining about patents. I'll make sure that my lawyers send you the appropriate notice paperwork by the end of next week.

Comment Re:Glasshole extraordinaire? (Score 1) 638

Maybe google should have selected users based on pretentiousness? This glasshole thing may limit their adoption long-term more than any technology issue.

Not sure what to blame the g+ failure on. I went to check that wasteland again today. After the reader debacle I have lost a lot of faith.

Maybe I start the bing? Does it work with the tubes?

Comment Re:If you don't like the game, change the rules (Score 1) 189

Actual research is a wholly unintended side effect of academia. Only naive fools even attempt real research and inevitably fail.

Come tomorrow, I guess I should stop by the Department Chair's office and let him know that he should revoke my endowed scholar position, let alone the positions of my colleagues, as we're all apparently fools.

Comment Re:Not the only ones either (Score 1) 341

Good, their work is best done by private contractors anyway.

Private entities rarely, if at all, focus a majority of their efforts into pure research, unlike the national labs. Funding pure research, which is one of the few actions that the US Government at least does halfway correctly, is ultimately essential if we are to progress the state of the art and thus create new fields and products that are ripe for commercialization.

Comment Re:Make stuff happen (Score 1) 226

I just started playing around with scratch, which lets you get stuff running easily without hardware headaches.

Simple stuff like making a sprite move or make noise in response to keypresses is pretty cool for little kids. And me.

The other think I like about it is the format. "Code" still looks like code, with nested for/if statements.

It can be slow ans it breaks down for medium to complex stuff, but making crappy flash games is easy. And they apparently have a decent version for dealing with NXT robots...

Comment Almost there... (Score 1) 414

If we are getting 1080p on 5" phones you hold 10" from your eyes, I want similar resolution on my 30" desktop that I sit 20" from.

Maybe my math is wrong, but 2x distance should require 1/2 the pixel density. But 6x the size would be something around 6000x3000 on my desktop I think. I am happy with 2650x1600, but it could use 4x the pixels I guess.

I am happy with 52" 1080p in my den at 8' but 4k would be better...

I have been craving more pixels since I found I could make my 486 33 run some games in xga mode, getting 1024x768 amazing pixels.

Comment Re:Real-world examples, shaky foundations (Score 1) 580

Diff EQ and Linear Algebra were also very shaky for me, they did not make sense until later in grad school when I finally found more relevant physical examples. Now I review them in engineering courses when I teach and I make a point to pull out various applications more explicitly.

I wish math profs would do a better job on this topic. At GT I had a great prof that taught calculus for engineers. He got it. Some math profs don't. They won't let engineering profs teach basic math from accreditation standpoint AFAIK, even though it is like requiring a novelist teach basic grammar.

Comment Engineering Labs- (Score 1) 564

Engineers see plenty of uncertainty in their junior/senior lab courses. The whole point there is to show them that the world does not follow theory and they have to figure out how to deal with it.

I am thankful my dad encouraged me to go into engineering as opposed to pure science. He said the biggest difference were the engineering labs and he was totally correct IMHO.

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