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Comment it's useful (Score 1) 195

My work brings me in contact with people who have very good reasons to fear the government. Whistleblowers, advocates for asylum seekers, that sort of thing.

When I get a text message in a green bubble, I know that its contents were, by law, archived and retained by the phone carrier for government eyes. When I get a text message in a green bubble from someone I care about, I respond "let's meet in person and discuss how to correspond safely, don't ever message me like this again".

Comment Re:I don't quite get this headline (Score 1) 62

Apple's victory over Epic Games was a mixed bag at best - but the article writer seems to be implying they just about everything they wanted.

The court's finding concludes with a paragraph that literally begins: "the Court finds in favor of Apple on all counts". What does that tell you?

Comment Re:Think of the children (Score 1) 74

Apple runs the risk of losing the demographic who wants to play Fortnite as future customers. Not being a gamer I have no idea if the Fortnite fanbase is still growing or is in decline.

Fortnite is in steep decline. It peaked in about 2018... as a game. What Epic is trying to do is pivot Fortnite to being a social platform - almost like Second Life done better.

Comment Re:Could Epic get a court order? (Score 1) 74

Would it be possible for Epic to get a court order against this - some sort of temporary injunction forcing Apple to allow Epic back into the App Store?

What? The court just said to Epic "you lost, Apple can do what it wants in its own store because it's not a monopoly, go away". You think the court should... override the court?

Comment Re:What did they expect? (Score 1) 74

And contrary to your belief, Epic won in court.

Or, to quote the actual document,

the Court finds in favor of Apple on all counts except with respect to violation of California’s Unfair Competition law (Count Ten) and only partially 666 See Dkt. No. 474 3. 180 with respect to its claim for Declaratory Relief

Yep, that's exactly what the Judge would say to show that Epic won. You just have to read between the lines *wink wink*

Comment Re:The problem I have with today's Who (Score 1) 131

The thing is, Moffatt was such a Who fanboy that it made him a worse writer. He was so in love with The Doctor that The Doctor went from being a time-travelling misfit having adventures to being an immortal god literally responsible for the existence of the Universe. It just got silly.

Comment solutions (Score 1) 65

1. Don't buy anything that runs Android, ever.
2. If you don't have a choice, don't let that Android device on the Internet, ever. Keep your Android TV "dumb" and use a set-top box like an AppleTV to do all the network and content stuff.
3. If you don't have a choice, don't give that Android device open access to the Internet, ever. Use a firewall or a DNS blackhole like pi-hole and block every packet coming or going from the TV except those that are absolutely necessary to watch the things you want to watch.

Basically privacy is now a privilege of wealth and technical literacy. If you're poor or dumb, you have no privacy.

Comment Re:Why is anyone surprised? (Score 1) 65

They give you "free" products like search, email, mobile OS, TV OS in order to mine your data for ad placement.

No, they modify your behavior so that you'll act in a way that gives them more valuable data. The difference is important.

Once you have enough cows, it's far more lucrative to change the cows so they produce more milk than to design milking stations that make the cows stand in one place for longer.

Comment Re:Good. (Score -1) 195

Personally I don't see what the big deal is. Where I live power is essentially free (lots of solar, lots of sunshine). Hell, my last power bill was a credit from the power company because my house generated more than it used.

I mean, I have a nerd's desire for efficiency, but acting like electricity consumption is a bad thing in and of itself just seems weird.

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