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Comment Re:Its not called gas but its called... (Score 1) 320

If my memory isn't playing tricks on me i think hemp still has around 10% of the THC level of weed. Also i think thc is fat soluble so it would end up in any oils you extract from hemp.
Having many cars burn entire litres of hemp oil all day around you makes me think it might actually have an effect on inhabitants.

End result is cheaper fuel and increased sales of cookies.

Comment Re:Too bad! (Score 1) 159

I would estimate that branded computers account for less than 20% of the market share where i live. (this is an eyeball figure) , so HP and Dell would have little to do with it. People would buy a cheap-ass "Internet" system though.

Comment Re:Too bad! (Score 1) 159

I'm not sure about "posting about it multiple times" I am the first post author , i just didn't have access to my password ring at the time.
I'm geniunaly interested in a ~$50 desktop or thin client. If arm cores are so cheap , and mass production is cheap , i can't understand why there's no product in this price range. I don't want a $150 product , neither do i want a $200 one. I want something say way under $100. For two hundred i can build myself a cheap x86 desktop that overpowers anything arm based.

Comment Re:Definition of awesome (Score 0) 198

I'm sorry but that's just stupid.
One thing and the other have nothing to do with one another.
We're all horrible people , some worse than others , and in between all the wrong we do in the world there are tiny specks of good. If that's the only good thing he leaves in this world so be it , don't throw it in the trash for the sake of feeling righteous. Would you tare down a hospital build by an evil dictator just because it bears he's name ?

Comment Re:Damn academics (Score 1) 376

I'm a strict "meat is meat and i will take no substitutes" kind of guy , however I have on occasion tasted so called "soy schintels" or TVP and found them to be acceptable when it comes to taste and texture. It does actually taste like meat, what does betray it's nature is the lack of fat ,mostly. As the article says you could mix it 1:3 with ground meat and not tell the difference.
Again , i like my meat , however if you're into replacing part of your meat intake with anything vegetable that's the most "meat like" product i've found. Tofu's just horrible.

Comment Re:No. Way. (Score 1) 317

I was on the border of starvation for more than 4 months to get the laptop.The only reason i got it is for work.

I am aware of the 20$ players. I have two problems with them (applies to ipods too):
- you pay a lot for good headphones
- the headphone's cord breaks or the mp3 player breaks within weeks to months.
I've gone trough 4 20$ players and twice as many sets of headphones until i gave up.

Also i don't live in the USA , 20$ is what i have to live on for a week , i'll take food over music.

Comment Re:No. Way. (Score 1) 317

I do! There's a free paper you can get at the subway at specific times in the morning and evening. I'm barely over 20.
It's not the best quality i'd rather buy one of the more serious papers around, but i don't always have time to do that.
Can't afford an IPad , can't afford an ipod , and i'm not going to whip out my laptop on the subway (i'd get mugged on the second instance)
There's nothing better to do for 50 minutes so i catch up on the news. I've given up on television anyway , i need some way to catch up with society. (it's annoying when your brethren over the border are having a revolution and you only find out about it 2 weeks later).
Seriously news papers are a nice way to spend your commute.

Survey Shows That Fox News Makes You Less Informed Screenshot-sm 1352

A survey of American voters by World Public Opinion shows that Fox News viewers are significantly more misinformed than consumers of news from other sources. One of the most interesting questions was about President Obama's birthplace. 63 percent of Fox viewers believe Obama was not born in the US (or that it is unclear). In 2003 a similar study about the Iraq war showed that Fox viewers were once again less knowledgeable on the subject than average. Let the flame war begin!

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