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Comment Re:Let's nuke them to be sure (Score 2) 322

At least 4 invasion tunnels.....that the powers that be admit to, have been found and it is widely thought they have some x number of tunnels that haven't been detected. The tunnels in question were large enough to accomodate armor and mobile artillery.

They could plausibly dump at least a division well behind the DMZ if they've managed to keep even two or three tunnels undetected and usable. This too can be countered by additional defensive rings further back from the DMZ but still it would add to the North's ability to make one hell of a mess before they get their teeth kicked in.

Though come to think of it, I wouldn't put it past us and the SK's to keep quiet about a few tunnels quiet then mining the holy bejezus out of them with some big dialed in arty to boot.

Comment Re:Easy... (Score 1) 1121

I presume the standard of proof here is going to be "preponderance of evidence" like in a civil trial. On TV, it is common to have a mega zinger bit of evidence that disproves everything. In reality, you want gather every piece of evidence that favors your side and everything that can be used to attack the other side. This should all be assembled into something resembling a narrative. Since this all may not be introducable, a lot of the skill is making good use of the tools available. So both go through Genesis with a fine tooth comb and build the most compelling case possible for the scientific side of the argument.

This is isn't soundbite TV. Courtroom proceedings are a slog.

Comment Government Malware (Score 1) 171

The government could distribute malware infected drives themselves. It isn't as though the Cuban underground isn't full of double agents and provacatuers. The malware will of course scream it's head off to the mothership anytime it finds itself on a network connected machine. To be sure, the tech savvy can avoid this but the distribution of the savvy in the underground just like in all other walks of life will be concentrated on one end.

Comment Re:What if I write notes in the margins of a book? (Score 1) 223

BSD code is commonly incorporated in GPL works and the BSD licensed portions remain BSD. The work as a whole has to be distributed as GPL but any BSD components can be extracted from the source and otherwise distributed under BSD terms. This goes for any other component included under a GPL-compatible license. GPL-compatibility doesn't mean those components are "converted" or "relicensed" because copyright law doesn't allow that in the first place. GPL-compatibility is simply the lack of additional constraints the GPL doesn't impose. BSD works are also often incorporated into closed binaries but this still doesn't relicense the BSD source. You generally can't incorporate one of those in your source files either.

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