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Comment Re:The answer to reducing illegal file-sharing (Score 1) 309

Precisely. Even the food industry says "return the unused portion for a refund" on their packages. They guarantee satisfaction of their products. Why can't CD and DVD manufacturers do the same?

Because you cant make a copy of a piece of food, then return it and get a completely different piece of food, and thus have two pieces of food despite only having paid for one.

apples and oranges.

Comment Re:Dead space... (Score 2) 52

Who are these people? Because Ive got a fair bit of experience playing halo with a controller, so if you sat someone down at a comp with limited experience playing fps' Id cream them, keyboard or no.

On the other hand, put someone down who is a master at it, and they'd cream me.

So what you're really saying is put down two people who have an absolutely identical amount of experience playing with their controller of choice, and the keyboard person will cream them. Which I dont think is necessarily true, but if you find the two people who have absolutely identical experience, i'd be glad to find out.

Im so sick of this, every time the whole fps-keyboard-vs-gamepad argument pops up, someone has to say "a person with a keyboard would cream a person with a gamepad, just because!"

it's bullshit, meaningless bullshit.

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