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Pirate Bay's Anonymity Service Enters Beta Testing 137

schliz writes "Developers of The Pirate Bay have launched their new Virtual Private Network (VPN) service to some 180,000 pre-registered beta testers. An e-mail to beta testers read. 'IPREDator does not store any personal details about its clients. IPREDator does not store any traffic habits you might have. IPREDator is the key to a free internet in the renaissance of censorship!' The new service was launched to protect file sharers in response to the Swedish Intellectual Property Rights Enforcement Directive (IPRED) that went into effect in April."

You've Dropped Your Landline — Now What? 635

smurphmeister writes "My wife and I recently moved up to the world of cell phones, after taking our sweet time to make sure this whole newfangled technology was going to stick around. We moved the old landline phone number to her phone, so we're disconnected from the pole. Now the question is, what to do with the copper already in our house? My first thought was an intercom system, but that just seems so old school! So what ideas do you all have for what to do with the 4 little wires running to every room of my house?"

Comment Re:CopTube (Score 1) 238

I'm more interested in a mobile phone YouTube to report misdeeds and abuses by police officers.

I assume you're familiar with this ongoing investigation?


If it wasn't for mobile phone cameras, the completely unprovoked police brutality which led to Ian Tomlinson's death would been neatly covered up with a bogus "natural causes" finding.

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