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The Courts

SCO v. Novell Goes To the Jury 67

Excelcia writes "Closing arguments in the six and a bit year old slander of title case between SCO and Novell occurred today and the case is finally in the hands of the jury. It's been an interesting case, with SCO alternately claiming that the copyrights to UNIX did get transferred to them, and that the copyrights should have been transferred to them. 'Judge Ted Stewart said, after the jury left to begin to deliberate, that in all his years on the bench, he's never seen such fine lawyering as in this case.' We're not going to find out the results until at least Tuesday, however, as one juror is taking a long weekend. Great lawyering notwithstanding, we can all hope next week that the Energizer bunny of all spurious lawsuits will finally go away."
Social Networks

Xbox Live Now Allows Gender Expression 348

Last year we discussed news that an Xbox Live gamer was banned for identifying herself as a lesbian on her profile. Microsoft said at the time that nothing sexual in nature could appear in Gamertags or profiles. Now, they seem to have reconsidered their stance, and they've updated their Code of Conduct accordingly. Xbox Live General Manager Marc Whitten wrote: "[The update] will allow our members to more freely express their race, nationality, religion and sexual orientation in Gamertags and profiles. Under our previous policy, some of these expressions of self-identification were not allowed in Gamertags or profiles to prevent the use of these terms as insults or slurs. However we have since heard feedback from our customers that while the spirit of this approach was genuine, it inadvertently excluded a part of our Xbox LIVE community. This update also comes hand-in-hand with increased stringency and enforcement to prevent the misuse of these terms."

Comment Re:Apple lock in tastes like crap (Score 1) 211

I think that's a bit of a stretch, It's down to the average stupid consumer buying devices they want and cant really afford on contract to a telco and then complaining when they dont get everything they want. I haven't bought a phone on contract since the 90's and I never ever would. Maybe there's less choice in American but that's another problem not so much Apples. Here in Australia i bought a 3GS, unlocked from an apple store, stuck in my Vodafone 3g data sim, and it tethers fine, no jailbreaking, no client login program like the vodafone USB dongle and better reception at/around work where i use it, I dont need to find or download the vodafone install disk/files if i format/change computer.. so if anything it's better than the modem vodafone sold me, its faster and just works better. Anyone getting excited about phone tethering now is so behind the times it isn't funny.

Comment Re:I wont buy a PS3 until PSN is subscription base (Score 1) 212

Well yes thats kinda what i did say, there is a shortage of tards on xbox live. I dont think its a stretch to assume one tends to conduct themself with a little more decorum if they have to pay for another account when their tard ways get them banned, rather than just make a new account for free and carry on like nothing happened. Yes tards exist on both, but theres some actually penalty for tards who have been shown the door, and they tend not to return on the Xbox, which like i said, suits me just fine.

Comment Re:I wont buy a PS3 until PSN is subscription base (Score 1) 212

It's not about believing it, i didnt make it up or read it in a book :P It's just what I've noticed and friends have agreed from their experiences as well, in games like SF4 inparticular. I dont own a PS3, just play it at friends so I'm not sure how the whole account banning works etc, but I think more do live in fear of the Xbox banhammer which can get a bit out of control sometimes (particularly over usernames) but it doesnt seem to be the case on PSN or isnt enforced as much? I cant be sure on that.

Comment I wont buy a PS3 until PSN is subscription based. (Score 2, Interesting) 212

In my experience on friends consoles and the like i've noticed theres a significantly larger bunch of grifers, whiners and other anoying tards in abundance on the PSN purely because its free, having to put a few dollars a month to play on Live doesnt eliminate the problem but it really keeps a large percentage of the riff raff out of my games, and I'm all for it.

Comment re: doesn't handle the switch from 3G to EDGE (Score 1) 353

I believe Telstra in Australia has both 3G and EDGE or something very similar and i've never had a dropped call on any of my 3 different gen iphones.. (granted the first went from edge to 2g but still). I dont think its an iphone specific problem and i think Telstra coverage (which is nigh on perfect) here might be just a tad better than AT&T from what i've read on the intertoobs.
First Person Shooters (Games)

Modern Warfare 2 Surpasses $1 Billion Mark; Dedicated Servers What? 258

The Opposable Thumbs blog is running an interesting article contrasting everything Activision did "wrong" in creating and marketing Modern Warfare 2 with the game's unqualified success. Despite price hikes, somewhat shady review practices, exploit frustrations, and the dedicated server fiasco, the game has raked in over a billion dollars in sales. "There was only one way to review Modern Warfare 2: on the Xbox 360, in Santa Barbara, under the watchful eye of Activision. Accepting the paid trip, along with room and board, was the only way you were going to get a review before launch. Joystiq noted that this broke their ethics policy, but they went anyway. Who can say no to a review destined to bring in traffic? Shacknews refused to call their coverage a 'review' because of the ethical issues inherent in the situation, but that stance was unique. The vast majority of news outlets didn't disclose how the review was conducted, or added a disclaimer after the nature of the review was made public. This proved to Activision that if you're big enough, you can dictate the exact terms of any review, and no ethics policy will make news outlets turn you down."

Comment Finally! (Score 1) 119

I was only commenting to a mate a few weeks ago that i was supprised at the lack of iphone 4 rumours but it seems its begun.. I'm not big on alot of the BS from Apple, but the annual rumour mill on the next iphone is always a load of fun. I only have a few requests, make it easier to get the freakin sim card out, make the touch screen extend past the screen so u can scroll etc off the screen without your fingers getting in the road and i'll be a happy chappy!

Comment Re:Now let the Endless French Surrender jokes begi (Score 3, Informative) 379

Dude, go see the world. Between the French ,the English and us Australians and to a lesser degree Americans (because they generally take jokes at their expense poorly) giving each other a ribbing all in good fun is just how we roll. It's always been the case and probably always will be. I'm never offended by a joke at Australia's expense from any of our "allies" so to speak, i often find it funnier than the joke teller. We're all comfortable that we are timeless friends with more in common than we differ and mean no harm. Apologies if a joke gets under your thin skin, but there's a bigger world out there than the box you live in. Americans neither invented, resurrected or propogated the whole "fromage eating surrender monkey" shtick, they just joined in on the joke. Granted most Americans lack a propper sense of humour past the drivel they pump out in their sitcoms these days.. so It's hard to tell the difference when they have a go, but trust me, the rest of us aren't bothered and we're all in on the joke and you're giving yourself heartburn over nothing.

Comment Just take a smart phone.... (Score 1) 1095

I don't recall doing anything particularly geeky in London the one time i was there for a few days so i cant help there but I havent bothered with a laptop etc when travelling since i got my iphone, i sort out a data sim for the country im going to before i set off and honestly, google maps is the best thing on earth to have on you when you have NFI where you are and nobody speaks english ;)

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