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Comment Re:So essentially they want people to pay (Score 1) 463

If you switch to your mac, it reformats your ipod/iphone to hfs format from fat format. You should back up your itunes library on your pc, restore it on your mac, and then sync it with your mac.

I have used plenty of windows formatted ipods with my mac. You can sync a fat formatted ipod on a mac but not an hfs formatted ipod on windows (with itunes at least.)

Comment Re:So essentially they want people to pay (Score 1) 463

I FIRST made sure I corrected the DEFAULT setting that would have had it copying and renaming, and doing only who knows what to my music. Heaven forbid you should organize something yourself in the Mac world!

This is the best feature of iTunes. I don't have time or patience to meticulously hand-sort and rename all of my music files after I rip or buy them online. Also, it's optional, and one of the first things iTunes asks you about after installing it.

Comment Re:"after 20 years of experiment, .." (Score 1) 403

>> Enough with this stupid dumbass fucking argument. >So fucking stop using it, dumbass. I didn't use it, you did in your original post, dumbass. >No. Shutting up, giving up essential freedoms and knuckling under financial "interests" is what brought us the "intellectual property" regimes worldwide. Fuck that. No shutting up any more. See you this summer in the EU parliament. And this is just a beginning. Who are you responding to here? I never said anything about taking away freedom, I merely said that it is tiresome and boring to blame lost sales due to piracy (music, software, or otherwise) on a broken business model.

Comment Re:"after 20 years of experiment, .." (Score 1) 403

"Just another delusionist trying to shoehorn the planet into his business model." Enough with this stupid dumbass fucking argument. What is wrong with making software and trying to sell it? This is so old and tiring I can't take it anymore. It doesn't even make sense! If people couldn't sell their software, they would find something else to do to feed their families. Please, shut the fuck up already.

Comment wait, what? (Score 1) 445

Why the hell would my computer slow down or freeze because of network congestion? My throughput my go down, but that has nothing to do with the performance of my machine, it just means webpages will load more slowly. Time to panic! Seriously though, we can all blame the telcoms for not investing their huge tax breaks in new infrastructure electing to instead go on boat rides and the like.

Comment Re:[Don't] Profit! (Score 1) 501

Seriously though, is there a business conference that happens annually now where presenters try to sell the audience on the benefits of alienating your customers by providing sub-par purchasing and product use options? Do they start the whole thing off with a keynote on how to use copyright to extort and sue your customers?

They offered a great purchasing option and got taken advantage of so they are taking it away. They aren't suing their customers, if they were I imagine I'd have something in my mailbox asking me to appear in court. In fact, they are suing the thieving bastards who think they are entitled to something for nothing.

Comment Pirates ruin the day again (Score 2, Insightful) 501

WOTC gives customers something that they want, in a relatively open format and it is still shared around by stupid dumbass pirates. Not only do they threaten to ruin the software industry, but now they are coming after my tabletop games as well. What a great digital world we live in!

Comment Re:I can't understand...Boxee displayed ads perfec (Score 1) 281

Like any arms race where it's content producers vs. the internet, the internet will win in the end.

Which is too bad. All these idiots who think that they are somehow entitled to something for nothing will end up driving the content providers out of business. Than what will the internet have won?

Comment Easy (Score 1) 678

Install a filter, give her the password to it. Anything unwanted she can safely ignore. If she really meant to go there in the first place, she can type in the password to continue.

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