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Comment First Hand Experience... (Score 5, Informative) 333

I can speak on this company from a first hand account. I work for an ESP, I actually manage all our mail servers and work closely with ISPs and mail vendors to help out GOOD CLIENTS. I say this because Compu-Finder (although they have an official name that is different) was a client of ours. They were a BAD-CLIENT. We have many tools that are in place to help our clients ensure that best practices are followed as well as easily available to contacts of the client, e.g opt-outs and suppressing those contacts from future emails. Compu-Finder did everything they could to get around built in mechanisms to keep "contacts" subscribed. Well Finally after battling with them on changing their practices we finally fired them. They are the kind of company that makes me cringe because I know there are real, legitimate, marketers out there that do use email to engage clients and keep them up-to-date but they are the ones that make it bad for any sender.

Comment Philip Morris Co (Score 0) 593

Maybe someone else on here can help me understand why the government apparently paid out $460MM to a tobacco company? Perhaps this was all for helping government workers quit the habit or payouts for the healthcare costs? In any case, wouldn't this be off the bill for B-2-G contracts?

Comment Re:Another term for "nuclear winter" (Score 2) 164

Yeah there is nothing like having longer winters and colder winters. Winter/cold months are always harder to weather. Ha, just think of all the extra coal and oil that will have to be burnt to keep people warmer for those longer periods of time. OTOH, we could let some ice melt and millions live on "new" beach front properly a couple miles back from their current boundaries and learn to be more efficient and our resource usages.

Comment Always has been (Score 1) 178

This has been true since the days of the Johnstown Flood in PA. Many of the "horrific images" were actually staged. Sounds absurd but it was that the event was of a magnitude most of the world was not able to easily comprehend at that time. The photo's made it much easier for the public to really grasp and feel for the victims of the flood.

Comment Easy money (Score 2) 551

Pennsylvania has got to be a forerunner in all of this. The state run/subsidized colleges seem to have a heavy preference to those with a fatter check. Then again, why shouldn't they be? Those same kids are also eligible for more grants and by adding minorities and foreign students to their undergraduate portfolio the college can get additional state and federal funding. At the same time the "higher" tuition those kids pay for a heavily paid for by some group other than the actual student.

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