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Comment Re:This happens every few years... (Score 2) 156

And before that it was pneumatic tube travel under the sea, and everyone speaking Esperanto and commuting to work in their own personal helicopter.

The future always ends up looking remarkably like the present, just with a few more cool toys, and a higher degree of complexity to our lives.

Comment Re:Expect more of the same (Score 1) 383

Furthermore, ads perpetuate the idea that life's purpose is to work your ass of so you can consume an endless stream of useless (and sometimes actively harmful) crap. They do their part in making people waste their lives chasing after a winning lottery ticket for the benefit of the 1% at the top who run the lottery. They feed various neurosis and addictions to manipulate people into spending their hard-earned cash to try and fix imaginary problems by illogical means of buying an unrelated product.

An ad campaign is basically information warfare. People disliking them is simply their self-protection instincts at work.

...and yet we're here, at an Ad-supported site, posting away and using bandwidth which has to be paid for by some means.

While I agree that advertising can do more harm than good when it trades on someone's already fragile self-worth, there are forms of advertising which are not soul-sucking or promoting conspicuous consumption (I'd also submit that a lot of useless consumption is based on point-of-sale impulse or what your neighbors or family have bought, not what someone saw on TV). Sandwich boards and overhead business signs are advertising. And PSA's and pro-bono non-profit ads do good. So it's not all evil.

Comment Re:not all grain? (Score 2) 340

All grain, while being superior to extract in the way you can build a very sophisticated flavor profile with a well-thought grain bill, takes a fair amount of work. I usually have to spend the better part of a day brewing an all-grain batch. I assume that as they're trying to run the country, especially in an election year, a 60 minute extract boil versus a mash-sparge time of approaching four hours, plus a 90 minute boil makes more sense.

Comment Re:Beginner recipie (Score 1) 340

I'll admit, however, that I'd use actual hops instead of pellets, and bloom or "start" the ale yeast before pitching (I don't know if ale yeast is safely pitched dry)-- or, just use liquid yeast.

Pellets are real hops, just compressed into pellet form. Falconer's Flight is only available in pellet form, as it's a blend of several different hops. A lot of imported hops are only available in pellets. Leaf, pellet, doesn't matter unless you're using a hopback, then you need leaf.

And yes, you can pitch ale yeast dry. You just might not get consistent results, like you would using a starter.

Comment Re:Solar (Score 2) 184

Alternative will never replace fossil fuels. It's classic supply and demand that even you should understand.

Alternative energies will never replace fossil fossil fuels, right up until the moment they do, and then they will. That's a simple enough example of how a planet of a fixed size will always have finite limits on mineral resources that I'm sure you should be able to understand.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 2, Informative) 404

I doubt it will force patent reform, as there is quite a bit of money in patent trolling these days, but if Google can use this to get Apple to BTFO in its desire to sue every thing that moves, then Google's performing a badly-needed service.

If only Apple would look at the Wright Brothers as an example of what happens to you when you attempt to restrain competition by enforcing patents.

Comment Re:Who would have thought... (Score 2) 252

What you're forgetting is that assuming all other systems in your body are healthy, your kidneys will excrete the excess water, along with urea, in order to balance all pressures (and electrolytes), and fairly quickly at that. It's when the heart is in failure that excess blood volume results in edema and diuretics are required. Drinking four liters of water a day (almost 136 fluid ounces for the Americans playing at home, or a little over 11-12 ounce glasses), over the course of the day, results in nothing more traumatic than additional trips to the loo.

Comment Re:You Say "Steve Yegge" Like I Would Know... (Score 2) 283

You might want to read Jonathan Haidt. It's the reverse. Conservatives are (generally) risk-averse and Liberals are (generally) more open to change and experience. The reasons why run a bit deeper, but it has a polarizing effect (as seen by your post), and rather than taking each groups strong characteristics and using them to compliment each other, adherents to each ideology tend to aim for the throat each time one disagrees with the other.

Comment Re:it's stupid, but I don't think as strong as tha (Score 2) 160

Much the same way that while all English-language novels use the same words, it's their arrangement that governs their uniqueness. Craigslist isn't trying to prevent posters from selling their items on other sites; they're trying to prevent scrapping sites from re-posting content and selling ads to support that.

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Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death. -- James F. Byrnes
