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Comment Re:You can't free someone who doesn't want to be f (Score 1) 353

What Christian denomination imposes anything beyond that which is normally covered in our "indecent exposure" laws or a reasonably normal restaurant?

Are you speaking of the Amish or Mennonites? They're stuck in the dark ages just like the Muslims, but at least they aren't violent about it.

Or are you talking about that freakshow cult, the Fundamentalist Mormons?

Pretty much every Western culture requires women to cover their breasts while men can leave theirs bare. I'm not sure of the anthropological history of this particular example, but I wouldn't be surprised if it had Judeo-Christian roots. All cultures have screwy social norms. Most members of that culture can't recognize them.

Do you consider drinking human blood and eating human flesh normal?

Comment Re:Normally (Score 3, Informative) 811

The whole idea of making more money is that you get to keep more of it, so your expenses are lower relative to what you earn. it sounds to me that you want to arbitrarily raise expenses based on what you earn, which of course defeats the entire purpose of attempting to better one's place in life. Maybe that's the idea comrade?

Do you seriously believe raising taxes on the wealthy is going to make them say "Well, that didn't work out. I guess I'll try being poor now?" Of course not.

You know why a graduated tax system is used just as much as I do. Because the people who need services can't afford them. They aren't being paid enough by the people you seem to admire.

Pure socialism may not work, but pure capitalism is nothing more than a pyramid scheme.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 1) 203

"Who said he's throwing it away? Or even that he's replacing every part of it?"

Thats generally what "replacing my PC" implies assuming you have a reasonable understanding of the english language.

Well, I give away mine if they're still working. And "replacing" my PC generally consists of a mobo/cpu/ram upgrade. I keep the rest.

I had to double check that your username isn't in fact "vitriol8," because that's sure how you come across, Angry Internet Man.

Comment Re:Awesome! (Score 3, Insightful) 203

"replace my aging PC (circa 2008 tech)"

Yeah , 2008 , thats like totally ancient dude. Not.

Christ , no wonder we have an electronics waste mountain and all its associated pollution issues when people like you bin perfectly servicable and upgradable machines.

Who said he's throwing it away? Or even that he's replacing every part of it?

Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?

Comment Re:More Please.... (Score 1) 140

It possibly depends on whether they had to accept it to view the profiles or not. I can view this guy's name, photo, some fiends and 'likes' without having to explicitly agree to any ToS.

That's a bit different, though. You haven't agreed to the TOS, and as such Facebook hasn't agreed to provide you a license to copy the photo. I would think its either a copyright violation if they never agreed to the TOS, or a contract violation if they did.

Comment Re:Winner: US Patent Office (Score 2) 77

The US Patent Office get its funding from patent applications fees.

So the question is: WHAT THE #UcK DID YOU EXPECT!

There's a lot of people bashing the USPTO, but I can't think of a way to manage them any better given the resources they do have. Its like blaming teachers for schools falling apart. Patent review is not exactly a prestigious job, so it requires at least average pay for its workers. The filing fee is, what now, about $350? That's about a days worth of work for a patent examiner, maybe a bit less once you include benefits. So unless I'm wrong, assuming the patent office is fully staffed with no waste, a patent examiner has to read a usually massive document from start to finish, review if the material is actually able to be patented, review past patents to see if any conflict, and make a judgment whether to approve or not. Denials need to make sense and stand up in court. All in a field the patent examiner likely has little to no experience in.

The office isn't screwed up, the system we use to evaluate patents is.

Comment Re:Problem: (Score 1) 470

Wikileaks threatens to release private financial information, Slashdot applauses. Anon uses DOS attacks, and releases the personal details of people who downloaded adult material, Slashdot applauds. Bill Gates releases mosquitos in a room of wealthy people, in order to bring attention to one of the biggest health issues on earth, Slashdot decries it. There's nothing quite like group think for encouraging hypocrisy.

Why be accurate when you can generalize incorrectly to get a point across, eh? I hope you aren't in a research field.

Comment Re:double standard (Score 1) 611

Kind of like counting cards for single deck blackjack. It's illegal to be too smart.

Counting cards isn't actually illegal, at least anywhere I'm aware of. The casinos can ban you from coming back for it, or for any reason they like. I haven't heard of anyone being denied their winnings from counting cards, but I wouldn't be surprised if it does happen sometimes.

Comment Re:Don't overestimate people (Score 1) 487

You are wrong on most of your arguments. Take the xray scanners at the airports. They "randomly" send people to get xrayed, doing them no good, yet, 95%+ just go along with it. They don't care how they work. They don't care how much damage those devices are causing or could be causing. They don't care that their risk of dying from the scanner is higher than from a terrorist blowing up the plane (based on government's own numbers!). They don't care....

So I say, do not overestimate people.

Or they just don't want to fight every single battle that comes along. Same reasons I don't picket a store that allows people with 11 items in the 10-or-fewer line.

Comment Re:Get Some Perspective! (Score 1) 853

No, I'm pretty sure that's exactly all there is to it. All packets are equal, and all ISPs are common carriers.

Traffic that should be given high priority includes VOIP, video conferencing, infrastructure interfaces (hospitals, fire stations, security companies, etc.), and anything else that requires a nearly live transmission (OnLive, for example).

Anything the network can ID as an attack, such as DDOS's, should be decreased in priority or dropped.

Comment Get Some Perspective! (Score 4, Insightful) 853

Could we actually get an article with some details, rather than an editorial about what the policy MIGHT contain?

Commenters here and at Huffington Post are seriously suggesting we have a second American Revolution because you didn't get everything you wanted on a Net Neturality policy change?

Jesus, get some perspective! I hope most of you realize that this is the first time Net Neturality is being tried in the US. At all. Anyone spending more than 5 minutes looking into Net Neutrality realize its a complex issue that can't be solved with "Don't discriminate." There are unintended consequences for any action they take.

You do realize that policies can be changed at a later date, right? They aren't written in stone. These policies make more sense than the alternative of doing nothing, and they make more sense than being heavy handed and creating more problems then they solve. If problems crop up, they can be dealt with.

Comment Re:Cortex Command not finished? (Score 1) 217

Why do you think people will pay anything if they don't have to?

59,174 people (and counting) have so far paid a total of $419,914.75 (and growing), even though they didn't have to.

Maybe we aren't all pirates after all.

I heard a figure once during my local Public Radio pledge drive that there's a 6-1 ratio of people that regularly listen and don't contribute to those that do.

Of course, it doesn't really answer the question of if people were required to pay to listen, would that increase revenue or decrease it?

Comment Re:Doomed (Score 1) 987

What purpose is served in releasing the fact that Hilary Clinton worries about the mental health of other world leaders? How does that aid in our international relations?

Who is "our"? The USA? I think the people living in the countries with potentially unstable leaders would absolutely want to know if high-level world leaders think their local president/general/despot is nutters. They probably are not getting that information from the local propaganda/media.

That's just one of 1000's of items that were released that are not crimes, are not important for the American people to know, and still undermine our government's ability to operate on the world stage.

You're making the same mistake alot of people are that I've talked to about this. Wikileaks is not American. They operate on a worldwide scale. There are plenty of people worldwide who do want to know what is going on in the US and other governments.

Releasing those kinds of documents doesn't serve a greater good. It doesnt expose any wrong-doings. It doesn't help create stability, ensure -anyone's- safety, or promote any kind of cooperation between nations. It was released to embarrass the US government and garner sensationlistic attention from a little weasle.

Which documents are you referring to? Again, I've heard this complaint alot, but no one can point to which documents should not have been released. Even if some documents are mundane garbage, the whole philosophy of Wikileaks is that they do not make these sort of judgments as to what to release and what not to release. If someone leaks data to them, they release it in way that will get the most publicity. That's the deal, and that's why informants leak this data, because they can be sure whatever is sent to Wikileaks will get out.

Not to mention that this guy released the names of confidential informants in the middle east. In doing so he signed the death warrants of those people. What greater purpose was served by releasing their names? What good will come of that? What crime did they commit? What evil are they responsible for? Where are your indignant tears for them and their families who will almost assuredly be slaughtered?

Who are these people? What names? Again, these claims are commonly made without sourcing who specifically is being talked about. As to what crimes they committed, I can't speak to that without knowing who they are. As far as general policy, Wikileaks has on numerous occasions contacted the US government to try and get help with removing actually sensitive data, such as names and locations. The US government knew that Wikileaks was going to release these documents, and decided not to point out which names were sensitive. Why aren't you blaming them?

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