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Comment Re:Only going to get worse (Score 1) 380

Why the hell can cars run this fast anyways. Do we really need a car that will run over 90mph for more than a few seconds during a pass. Are we all so brainwashed by action movies we pretend we might need to run away from a maniac we probably couldn't outrun anyways.

And if we outlaw guns, people will stop being killed by guns...

Comment rat trap /idiot proof (Score 1) 480

building better rat trips leads to smarter rats/ building something that is idiot proof leads to better idiots.... No matter what we do in an attempt to keep the idiots or rats from terrorizing us, they will always find a work around. In the mean time life for 99.998% gets exponentially more complicated for the rest of us.

Comment Re:let me get this straight... (Score 0, Flamebait) 698

well you do not have to use the service they offer. The great thing about America baring taxes and death, is that you have a choice. However, if you wish to use their service you must agree to a contract, usually in the form of a TOS. Once you agree to it then well yeah.... the terms are the terms. I am sure that if you want to use the maximum bandwidth offered 100% of the time there is a plan that you can purchase. However, I doubt that price increase will just be 43% compared to the 100% bandwidth 70% of the time plan.

Comment Incentives!?!?!? (Score 1) 551

I am a scientist, because it is what I am. The pay or the lack thereof provides me a means of being who I am instead of having to force myself to be something else. Really, as long as I have a roof over my head and food on my table then the rest is just gravy as long as I can do science. The assumption/ theory that money equals happiness has already been disproved. Now if you want me to be something that I am not, then you will have to pull out your checkbook so that I can compensate my lack of happiness with something that will bring momentary gratification.

Comment lack of experience = mistakes (Score 2, Insightful) 480

You can monitor people, you can teach them to drive, you can raise the driving age to 40 however, none of that will stop the newest drivers from being the most accident prone. So yes there probably is another motivation for these devices. Humans tend to learn things from experience. When was the last time a new programmer generated completely bug free code on the first try, or the las time that a new engineer did not make a mistake in the calculations? Mistakes happen and mistakes most frequently happen with in hte group that is the least experienced.

Comment Re:Just because they failed to detect any (Score 1) 553

and they calibrated the detector how? No seriously, did they have a sample set of gravitational waves to calibrate the detector? There are only two outcomes of an experiment, either the results support your hypotheses or they do not. The results of this experiment failed to support the hypothesis. The conclusion would be that the detector failed to detect gravitational waves. To answer "Why?" would be speculation. I hate reading the page long conclusions of journal articles that speculate as to why the results are what they are. Save the speculation for conferences and the lab, publish the results, summarize the results in the conclusions. If you want to include speculation in the paper include it in the discussion.

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