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Comment Like Camelot, this is a silly place... (Score 1) 6

Perhaps the way to handle this is to allow two of each of your new minister positions who are elected by the people and each would have the power of veto. Assuming there is a reasonably close to 50/50, or even anywhere between 34/66 ratio of folks for each category (liberty, finance, crap-talking).

Take finance for instance. Conservatives want one guy because he'll chop out every bleeding heart's big save the children project and the liberals will want to cut every bomb and machine gun. Since we are well within the 50/50 to 34/66 range, one of each would be elected each cycle. So long as we keep one of the ministers of STFU making sure they can't hammer out a deal we'd be in good shape.

Comment Seems to me... (Score 1) 40

Seems to me that all sorts of affirmative action and the like are not judging by the quality of character, but by the color of a person's skin. Makes me wonder what MLKJ would think of where things are at today.

Morgan Freeman did a great job exposing Mike Wallace's bias.

Comment Re:poll taxes (Score 1) 10

Not that living in Michigan has that many advantages, but here long guns don't require anything other than that paying the shop keeper. Pistols require a 5 dollar notarized permit to purchase, but that is while you wait at the sheriff office. I probably spend more on gas than the notarization. And while it didn't go anywhere as far as I have heard, there was a piece of legislation in Lansing which was talking about getting rid of the permit to purchase last week.

Comment You almost got it right... (Score 1) 28

Who the hell would ever go to Detroit, armed or otherwise?

Slightly more seriously, you would do better following the southern side of NY and go through Ohio. The border is such a crap shoot at this point, you'll save time in the long run compared to taking Canada. I think actual drive time it is about an hour shorter to go through Canada, but you can spend anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours at the border depending on state of Schrodinger's cat. And really, the drive through the southern edge of NY is actually kinda pretty.

Comment Well... (Score 1) 3

With a 3 digit slashdot ID, you'll either get the job easy or they'll throw you out of the office.

Good luck. I still see job offerings on the east side of the state occasionally, so it isn't as barren over there as most would assume. I think Ann Arbor area has openings regularly. Lansing area has some openings once in a while too. Over here on the west side things are pretty spotty. There are a couple companies which seem to always be looking, but they also tend to be high burn out companies.

Comment Not just aliens... (Score 1) 5

Illegal ones. Obama has a strict open air space policy. He even invited the Martian president to speak before congress condemning the Arizona law against space aliens. He'd have invited the space pope, but you see, he doesn't want to offend.

Comment Rules (Score 1) 10

The Constitution lays out the rules with which our government is bound. In the area of free speech and self defense they want to do an end run around the Constitution. Instead of following the rules laid out in the Constitution for amending the Constitution they want that power to lay in the hands of congress, in short ignoring the Constitution outright. The plain language found in the Constitution is ignored.

Even in the event the Constitution were to be amended, I would have issues with their goals. The freedoms described in the first two amendments are fundamental human rights, granted not by a government, but God. The right of freedom of association, speech, and thought and right to defend oneself is inherent in all Creation. Even were the Constitution legally amended in these areas I would not follow or submit to the changes.

Other rights defined in the Bill of Rights are perhaps less so fundamental human rights, and were they to go about amending the Constitution to remove them I would fight against the change, but once amended I would follow the change. Certainly I might try to change them back to the original, but I would work within the system to change them.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 10

Superyooser's detail are correct, from checking multiple sources. I had just read a story over the weekend while it was developing and the details were wrong or I mis-read it at that time. I had not done follow up on the story since. It was Israelis who were attacked, not their ships. I'll update the JE.

User Journal

Journal Journal: UN 10

What is wrong with the UN? Israeli soldiers are attacked and they defend themselves and within 24 hours UN is condemning Israel. A month after North Korea attacks a South Korean ship with a torpedo and the UN is discussing condemning the attack, but in all probability won't since they cannot get China to agree.

He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the LORD. Proverbs 17:15

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The sooner all the animals are extinct, the sooner we'll find their money. - Ed Bluestone
