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Comment Re:why? (Score 1) 677

The difference is that it's immediately obvious what a return statement is doing whereas the goto puts the flow of code "elsewhere" and might be leaving things in a weird state (granted that the OP has since claimed he intended to put some cleanup code before his return which could change the circumstances).

Comment Re:just want I wanted! (Score 1) 307

You are completely right. I still use my EEEpc. Though more often I use my Chromebook which has more modern specs and a better for factor (not reflashed though. For advanced features, remoting works well for my needs).

The sibling post of mine notes that you can effectively get a netbook by having a tablet and adding a keyboard. Sorry, I like my keyboard pre-attached. I do have a tablet but it has mostly fallen to being used as a remote control for mythtv and for my daughter to track her yu-gi-oh games. My chromebook is in constant use when I'm not at my main desktop.

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