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Comment Re:30 years! (Score 1) 172

Probably the point you are missing is that there are ways that Windows and MacOS are not inferior. That is the truth that the dogmatic need to acknowledge.

I can't speak for the dogmatic, as I don't know who they are. Certainly, there are Linux fanbois. There are Windows fanbois. God knows there are Apple fanbois. All of them preach the religion of their chosen OS. Meh. I like Linux. I use it on my home desktop, and have been doing so for two decades. That doesn't mean its the best OS for everyone. As I said in my post, use what works for you.

Comment Re:30 years! (Score 1) 172

Yes Linux will be 30 years old soon and still a joke on the desktop. I’ve been trying since 2001, but i’d rather put up with Windows 10’s forced reboots than some of the shenanigans with Linux. Gnome still can’t fix their file picker either and it has become an internet meme.

Oh horse feathers. Linux is a joke only to the extent that all operating systems are a joke. The Gnome file picker is a meme? How long has the BSOD been a meme? Yes, there are things about Linux that are broken and infuriating. There are things about Windows and macOS that are broken and infuriating as well. They are different things, but there are just as many of them. If you like Windows, it's probably just because you're more familiar with it and more knowledgeable in how to work around its quirks and limitations. That's fine. Use what works for you. But don't pretend that Windows is somehow superior when it's simply different.

Comment Re:Hard? No. Confusing? Yes (Score 1) 95

It's been a year since I cancelled my prime account, but I didn't find it the slightest bit difficult to find or complete. However, it was a little confusing. The wording kind of gave me the impression it would cancel my membership right away (even if I still had time left), which I assume is a deliberate attempt to try to get people to wait until the last day to cancel, and then hopefully forget during that time.

I think that for many people, that's a distinction without a difference. Most of the people on here are pretty tech savy and can fairly easily navigate the labyrinth of prompts and confirmations they put up. I suspect a lot of less technical people get so confused they simply give up. If something is so confusing that you can't accomplish it, doesn't that mean it's hard to successfully complete?

Comment Re: Hard? No. Confusing? Yes (Score 1) 95

Every time I rent a car, it's always some cheap Chevy or Kia with XM radio and it always sounds AWFUL. Maybe clearer than FM radio but really, really flat. Too compressed. Internet streaming has always sounded way better to me.

How much of that is the music service and how much is cheap speakers with a cheap amp in a cheap car?

Comment Re:Frameworks (Score 1) 286

Frameworks have also the disadvantage of adding a performance overhead
That is unlikely.
If you would not use a framework, you would more or less write ghat code yourself. How that would result in faster code is beyond me. Not to mention coding time.

Because a frame work is a general purpose construction that is written without any idea of what the final product may be. As such, it has to offer all sorts of possibilities and capabilities that are not useful and not relevant to the actual product being produced. If I can write a piece of software that does exactly and precisely what my project requires, that may be significantly faster than a similar piece of software that does what my project requires AND what his project requires AND what her project requires ...

Comment Re: Can't hide forever (Score 1) 561

Drunk driving kills about 40,000 people per year in the United States, meanwhile the virus is at 210,000 people and counting. Pull your head out of your ass.

The number of kills for drunk driving are probably too high. If you have a couple of beers and someone completely sober jumps the curb and runs you over while you're walking down the sidewalk, it goes down as an alcohol-related accident. Meanwhile, the statistics for COVID are probably being under-counted. The number of deaths for this year are around 260,000 above what would be expected. The majority of those are probably related to COVID in some fashion, even if the virus isn't the direct cause.

Comment Re:Good racial comments or bad ones? (Score 1) 416

The problem is that in those areas where objectivity doesn't exist is that there is no reason to follow along with your subjective opinion over my subjective opinion. In areas of subjectivity it must be left up to the individual to decide. Anything else is tyranny. Even then I don't think there are nearly as many areas where objective reality doesn't exist as postmodernists would like to think. Meaning of a text is a good example. I've seen it argued that there is no one true interpretation of a text for example. But this argument always discards authorial intent as an inconvenience. Muddying the water up with how people interpret that doesn't mean there is no objective reality. It means that the objective reality of people's interpretations differs from the objective reality of the authors intent. In that case we call peoples interpretation wrong. I think in most situations regarding accusations of racism that the accusation is a statement about the intent of the person being accused. That accusation may or may not align with the person's actual intent. Whether the accusation is accurate depends on whether the person actually had the intent to of being racist. The person who made the original statement has the best view of the objective reality of the accusation because only they actually know their true intent. Just like the author has the best objective view as to whether a persons interpretation of their text is correct. Subjectivity is a relative value comparison and objectivity is an absolute one. The existence of one doesn't exclude the other.

Uhm, no, that's not even wrong. Objective reality is what exists outside of human analysis or evaluation. Meaning doesn't exist in objective reality. The objective reality of text is that it is atoms of ink attached to thin sheets of wood pulp or it is magnetic variations on a hard drive disk or whatever other physical form it takes. There's no meaning to any of that. Meaning only emerges when a human being analyzes the form of the text in the context of a shared but arbitrary definition of language, etc. It exists only within the human mind. You can't find it in a lab. That's subjective. Any time you start talking about intent or meaning or any other aspect of human brain function, you are out of the realm of the objective and into the subjective.

Comment Re: Explain to me why people believe that (Score 5, Insightful) 566

"If those doctors really are doctors, they are quacks"

Now there is some logic. Classic.

You're looking for the No True Scotsman fallacy. But that isn't applicable here. It's not a fallacy to say that no true vegetarian would eat a steak. It's perfectly fine to be skeptical and question orthodoxy. It's perfectly fine to say that the value of hydroxychloroquine in combating COVID 19 hasn't been completely determined yet. It's fine to say that it needs more study or that it should be investigated more as a potential treatment. It is NOT fine to say that it will cure the disease without strong evidence of that. If you do that, you are violating the fundamental principles of medical research. You are violating what it means to be a doctor. You are a quack. No fallacy involved.

Comment Re:Explain to me why people believe that (Score 4, Insightful) 566

Welcome to 2020. As an aside: I think the people in the video are wrong. I just think it is scary that a few tech companies can erase things from the Internet.

They can? That's why no one saw this video, you can't find it now and there have been no links to it in the comments on this story. Damn you, Tech Companies! How dare you hide this from me?

Comment Re:Good racial comments or bad ones? (Score 1) 416

Huh? Racism is really simple:

Did you, oh-brain-in-a-vat, make a decision by using skin color or the ethnicity of someone? You're a racist. You can apply the test to yourself. You can also be aware of when others claim to be racist, if not in so few words, often by writing huge screeds to justify how making their decision on skin color or ethnicity was justified.

Still racism. We aren't making quantum rocket soylent poodles here.

I see. So if I'm making a movie about Martin Luther King Jr. and I state that I want a black actor to play him and reject all white actors who apply for the role, then I"m a racist? That's your claim?

Comment Re:Good racial comments or bad ones? (Score 1) 416

Noting that what you feel is right may not, in fact, actually be right. Just sayin' ...

Think things through, from a perspective wider than simply your own.

Fully agreed. Objective reality is never known--one can only act upon their perspective, and be open to the fact that they could be wrong.

It's more than that. In many contexts, objective reality doesn't EXIST. I believe there is some sort of objective reality out there, although physics strongly suggests that it isn't nearly as concrete as we'd like to believe and that our senses give us a pretty distorted view of it. But there is nothing in that objective reality, whatever shape it may take, that can be labeled 'racism.' Even more fundamentally, there is nothing there that can be called 'right' or 'wrong' in the moral sense. These things are labels that human consciousness applies to things, and they exist solely within our subjective consciousness. There is no definitive answer, even in theory. There is only personal opinion and there never will be and never can be anything more.

Comment Re:Web shell? (Score 2) 19

FTA (I know, we don't do that here) under a section titled "What's a web shell?": "They provide a visual interface that hackers can use to interact with the hacked server and its filesystem. Most web shell contain basic functions to rename, copy, move, and even edit or upload new files on a server. They can also be used to change file and directory permissions, or archive and download (steal) data from the server."

It's reasonable to criticize people for spouting opinions or comments about the article without reading it. But the point of GPs post was that the summary should make sense and explain esoteric terms, so I can decide if I'm interested enough to RTFA. That's a basic rule of journalism.

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