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Comment Number One way to reduce drunk driving. (Score 1) 343

_Make the trains run past last call_ Serious. (not an issue everywhere, but in los angeles it is a huge one).

For the most part, people don't want to drive drunk. A $1.50 train ride out easily turns into a $150.00 cab ride back if you are just a few minutes late for the last train and there are huge swaths of LA that cabs literally just won't go at night. People are scared of getting stuck in the city, staying overnight on the streets isn't fun because you can't afford a cab ride back and the trains stopped. Once people experience it, they drive from then on, even though they probably wouldn't otherwise, just in case.

They don't even have to do a full schedule, just every half hour or 45 minutes would suffice. sigh.

Comment Re:What's it like in Japan? Will this cause change (Score 1) 322

That's because they use new switching regulators which bump up the frequency to a couple of kilohertz anyway and are pretty indifferent to input voltage as long as it isn't so high it physically fries the equipment. Transformers and AC motors need to be tuned to a specific frequency/voltage. cheap switching supplies are great, but rather limited. In general they can reduce the voltage and handle a few hundred watts. If you need a couple dozen kilovolts (like your old tv) or a few kilowatts of power (like your microwave) or have a strong AC motor (like your plug-in power drill) then transformers tuned to your specific frequency are needed.

certainly inexpensive switching supplies have been great for reducing the dependence on specific voltages and frequencies, but there are hundreds of millions (billions?) of microwaves, refrigerators, washing machines, power tools, electric razors, high power amplifiers, magnetic ballasts and whatnot out there.

And moving them to DC power isn't a good idea, there are big inefficiencies in power supplies, economical solid state high power ones especially so. a 1500 watt microwave with an unreasonably high 90% efficient power supply would still have to radiate 150watts(!!) from its power circuitry. A lot easier with a metal core transformer the weight of a brick than a silicon mosfet the size of a fingernail. (though, the CPU overclockers have some experience with that :))

That said, eastern japan is in a particularly odd spot, being 100V 50Hz. Matching neither US nor european standards.

Comment Re:AI Winter (Score 1) 674

There is a particularly relevant quote:

"The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim."
      - Edsger Dijkstra

Watson is incredibly impressive. Natural language processing is an extremely complex task. like absurdly. It took 750 8 cpu systems and 16 terrabytes of RAM to implement watson and that was stretched to the limit.

Comment Re:In other words (Score 2) 517

Are you implying that the limited quantity is a bad thing? That's a good thing, because it means its value won't drop over time due to diluation, as happens with fiat currencies with no limit on how much is issued.

A limited quantity is a very bad thing for a currency. The value is _supposed_ to drop over time. That is the entire reason it works as currency. The only point of currency is to encourage and enable trade. So you can trade your extra sheep for ducks without having to hunt down someone who needs sheep and has extra ducks and can make the exchange right now. In order to do that, currency needs to actually be used and traded. Currency that is under someones bed rather than in circulation is not doing its job. If currency increased in value over time, people would hoard it rather than use it.. Note that I am talking about actually hoarding the paper bills or treasury notes (or electronic tokens) not holding wealth in investments or a bank account. money stored in a bank account is being used, as are investments.

Think about it this way, if there were a finite amount of currency, and the world population doubled then everyone would have half as much money in general. Now, things would also end up costing half as much because it still takes the same amount of human effort to create the same goods, but there just isn't enough money to go around to keep everyones pay at the same numerical level it was before. However, this introduces a perverse incentive to hold onto money rather than using it since the buying power of money will double every time the population does, it will outperform many investments, so rather than starting a company, or lending the money to someone that can use it, people will hoard it. It will no longer fufill its function as a currency.

And, while your currency devalues over time, that doesn't mean your worth does. If they redefined the gallon to be smaller you wouldn't suddenly have more milk in your fridge. A dollar is a unit to measure wealth, not wealth in and of itself.

Comment Re:Why does every site need its own auth app? (Score 1) 399

No they can't do a man in the middle attack. The authenticator app is completely offline, if you were able to link your WOW account to the authenticator, it wouldn't allow google too access your account any more than keeping your keys in the same pocket as your phone would allow them to get into your house.

And there is a standard protocol that keyfobs and most OTP systems use.

Comment Number One thing that will reduce Drunk Driving (Score 1) 549

_Make the trains and buses run past midnight_.
At least in many parts of Los Angeles this is an issue.

Even if they come every half hour or 45 minutes instead of every 10, it will be drastically better than having no option at all. I love taking public transport, but it is just too easy to become stranded when using them late at night. And there are a lot of areas of LA where cabs literally won't go at night, not even particularly dangerous ones, just places off the beaten path. Not that a cab is a good solution in general, what is a $1.25 train ride before midnight will easily turn into a ~$120 cab ride after midnight here.

Compared to the cost of installing breathalyzers in every car which is what MADD advocates, spending the money on better public transport, in particular, public transport that is available after last call seems like a much bigger win. (of course, it actually has the effect of only reducing drunk driving and not drinking in general, which MADD always had trouble deciding between as their main goal. The temperance faction seems to be actively fighting the lets stop drunk driving faction when it comes to policy decisions it seems)

Comment Re:Why be worried about this? (Score 1) 304

For instance, have you ever played online poker, even somewhere that it was legal?

If you happen to be driving through Oregon then "Possession of gambling records" showing 5 bets totalling over $500 is a Class C felony. Better be sure to purge those confirmation emails!

Do you live in a state with lax laws about ordering prescription drugs overseas? better not happen to have the money transfer go through while you are in another state.

Have you ever used a random open wifi network? You phone probably remembered the MAC and that can be considered criminal.

Ever help a friend move for cash? is it mentioned in a text? did you report it to the IRS?

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