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Comment Re:Simple - Politics (Score 0, Troll) 123

I think its because artist are getting sick and tired of people copying their material without permission. Steven Harper's party don't give a crap about the culture (look how much cash he gives to the dept of culture, that is pathetic) so he really don't have high priority on this matter. But the artist have enough voice to tell him to do something since it's becoming slowly out of control.

Comment Bill C-11 (Score 4, Informative) 123

Theres a bill in Canada about copyright. It's the C-11 bill

it was Bill C-61 first, then it died and was replaced by Bill C-32 which also died. Now its called Bill C-11. Have fun reading this.

Theres also a website which gives lots of information on that bill :

Comment Not only ISP's should (Score 1) 110

I've worked for an ISP for over 4 years and I've been on the Internet and know a lot about it (ie: ccna). Yes ISP's needs to step up to increase their security measures. It's astounding how they let people which are complete strangers go in their network and do whatever they want, when they want without any authentication nor take any measure to protect it's network. Well not completly true they just do whatever they can when it's free and super cheap.

Theres also other security measures which could increase security in their "email" deparment. smtp and pop for example. most isp's today do nothing in that part. anyone can send emails to anyone without any limits...basically they suck there. Nothing is encrypted, authenticated and if it is its not enough for security.

further more, lots of protocol needs a big boost in security as most of them today lack lots of security features which could increase productivity, stability and security. I'm amazed that in 2012 we still have spam, bots, zombie machines today since those same ISP's makes millions.

Comment It's still a business (Score 1) 356

Sorry but a university still act like a business. Even if they receive funds from the government, you'd be pretty stupid to think they only like on that type of funds. If they can't make money in any way, they will have to do something about it. So a school today is just like a business. As we all know businesses needs funds, cash and a lot more...just like a business. It also needs public attention which helps with all the above.

on the bright side, there not the only one doing this so this not new after all lol.

Comment Use linux ? (Score 1) 208

Since cash is a big problem (boss are stuck up that subject ) in your school where you work, here is your answer. It's not the perfect answer but it's a good one. GNU/Linux. Yes it's not Windows, yes you have to do more than click next, yes it's not simple. But here are a couple of points that you should look at:

1.Linux is free.

2.If your new to it, start with some package distro like Ubuntu or Fedora, super easy to start with...learn from there. trust me it's easier than you think

3.Linux distro works with Windows network environment

4. Most,if not all, have free software alternative that can stand up to the big popular software like Microsoft office for example (openoffice is one)

5.It's more secure for your users. In a sense that once it's deployed they can't change important system files or settings, they need administrator access for that

6.You can customize lots of things like the look, the interface and lots of other settings

7.Linux does have a Gui interface like Windows so the switch is easier than you think

8.Linux as a great, wonderful, hell better support than Windows if you ask me. Lots of distros have wiki's, forums, website with support section.

Note: Ubuntu is nearly as easy to use as Windows when it comes to it's use sometimes...just click next 20 times and your done installing..I swear. Super easy transition tip: Install vmware, then install Ubuntu in vmware. Install most programs you need. If you can't find some, find alternative (you will find some, your a geek like us), once your confortable enough, deploy some linux PC's in some department for testing and let it test for some weeks.

Comment Very odd details (Score 3, Interesting) 105

this is a very odd story. Why would the FBI request to change DNS for millions of PC's when all they have to do is switch the DNS server off. But no, they decided to get a court order allowing them to replace the rogue DNS servers with legitimate stand-ins so that all the infected computers wouldn't get cut off without warning, giving them time to get the word out.

btw, you can read this guide to check your dns.

Comment Proxies (Score 0) 238

For all the paranoid (me included sometimes), use a free web proxies. Of course with a free one you wont go really fast but since your going to use it for searching on google, their's no need for 10gb bandwith anyways. That should be able to fix the privacy problem once and for all.

Comment get info on users (Score 0) 635

In my case, i would make people register on my site from a per person percpective. I would give the info on my product myself. For example,you give the serial number and you register the person in your database. That way if a certain serial number is on pirate bay you know exactly who to talk too since you got his info. In other words if people are ready to pay a lot for a software, then some manual work should be done on your part as in taking all the personal information from the company that way if something goes bad, you got enough to trace back to him. I'm not sure about drm methods, "Internet" users will always find a way to get through like safedisc v4 got cracked and it was suppose to be the top software protection. online regular registration was suppose to be good too but its not cause it got cracked too. It also pisses off lots of people off cause it gets really annoying to login each single time you need to use the software. Seems like when you want to buy the product, you need a person to get all the intel, information and everything from that user who wants to use your product. Hell if I spent a lot of cash on a product like this i wouldn't mind giving some intel so that way if people uses my name they would be in trouble...not me.

Comment Wait what ????? (Score 1) 267

Ok, I'm not sure in this but.... is it legal for someone or a company to use an open source system or software and make people pay for it...without release the source code ? I think the answer is no in this. So is it "legal" that Apple uses an open source system (with an S perhaps ?? who knows) without releasing the source code (if someone has mac os source code plz tell me) and make people pay for that ? Might I mention Apple products are overbloated on the price department too.

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