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Comment Re:So we can't call anyone stupid anymore (Score 4, Insightful) 622

Don't you think people SHOULD be able to walk around inside the lion exhibit at the zoo?
The blame for the crime is on the mugger, rapist, account cracker, etc.
The blame for being stupid, in some cases, is on the victim. Life is hard. It's harder if you're stupid.
I know we aren't supposed to talk about the girl in the skirt, but what would YOUR advice really be to YOUR daughter or son regarding sexual assault, mugging, or lion-exhibit safety?

Comment Re:Straw Man (Score 5, Insightful) 622

Too much bullshit going on.

My advice to my son or daughter would be the same regarding photos of semen all over their faces: if you don't want people to see those photos, don't take those photos. Do not allow those photos to be taken. Do not allow them to exist.

I don't remember all this bullshit when it was Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton, or even Kim Kardashian.

Comment A few options. (Score 1) 294

If you have a system that you can test against (i.e. a server at your work with a fatter-pipe then you have at home, or a hosted server/VPS/etc.)


run "iperf -s" on the server and "iperf -c server.ip.address" on the client.
Read the man pages for more options.

If you don't have a 'known better then you' to test against try this to test your maximum download bandwidth.
Simple test: download a large file from Microsoft (i.e. a 'network install' service pack, or similar) or other big-host

More complicated:
run several (4-20) 'wget' concurrently. If you use Linux .iso's as your target download, make sure you grab the files from *.edu sites. Schools should have a lot more bandwidth then the average .com that is hosting files.

Your ISP might have several things in place from preventing DDOS attacks from there customer machines. So each 'download' might be throttled by your ISP. If you open several download threads to different locations, downloading different things you can maximize your usage.

Also, don't download the same thing twice from the same source. Caching can/will interfere with accurate measurements.

Comment Re:Not sure about this. (Score 4, Insightful) 195

performance cars are marketed in ways that make it clear that they are intending for them to be driven in excess of posted speed limits.
closed circuit course. professional driver. unreadable text

arresting someone because they produce a product that can be used illegally? first off, "they" get to make anything illegal even if they don't technically have the power. then they will interpret the laws however they want. and now, prosecute people who even enable the breaking of arbitrary laws. gun, alcohol, car, knife, baseball bat, and spray paint makers should worry about the implications.

in fact, electronics tinkerers, makers of kits like arduinos, 3d printers, and about a billion other groups should be concerned with governments who grant themselves infinite power. "stalkers"... so like pedophiles and terrorists, a group we can invoke whenever we wanna get shit done.

Comment Re:Oh good (Score 0) 907


Maybe I missed the part of the article where the car explodes if you are late.

Grave bodily injury? If the car doesn't start? You must be talking about some obvious every-day occurrence like escaping zombies or a North Korean Infantry body wave. Much less-often for sure as when someone wants to run to the local store for some milk.

The alternative MIGHT be to not lend money to people with bad credit scores. Would THAT be better? Or you want your cake and eat it too, right? Laws forcing banks to lend to people who don't pay back so well, and laws forcing banks to suck it up when they don't get paid back. Because fuck banks, we can get more votes from people who don't like paying bills and want free cars.

People lining up for free shit, and voting for whoever keeps the free shit coming... you don't call THEM sheep. Of course, call the rest of US sheep.

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