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Comment Re:Why Local Libraries? (Score 1) 126

Plus, since libraries are public funded, this may help to justify them when they run the reports of how many citizens are using their services. Much like someone said in the Comcast thread; I don't personally use public libraries, but for reasons of which I am uncertain, I feel they're important and should stick around.

Comment Re:Google+ (Score 1) 360

I know what you mean, it felt the same way when I started. I was sitting there, wondering how to get more of my Facebook people over to G+ since it felt so empty. Then I started following William Shatner, then Guy Kawasaki, Alyssa Milano, Tren Reznor, Wil Wheaton, Michelle Marie. It's led to having WAY more people I'm following and engaging with. It definitely had a ramp up time, but I found that engaging in posts was a great way to find like-minded people, and since I can follow them without them having to agree to be "friends", I began to experience an exponential growth in stream volumes. Some of those people I began as simply following, have now added me as they see my comments and realize I'm someone they like. My Facebook feed is far more stagnant and less interesting than G+. I only go to Facebook these days to see what's going on with those folks who are only over there. As someone else said, I don't hope or want G+ to replace Facebook, competition is good...beside, thus far my personal experience is that G+ people are of higher quality than Facebook. Of course, volume and the fact that average Joe won't be on G+, at least for now and the near future, affects this. In the end, Facebook was pretty dead for me when I started, as I've never maintained a huge network of took months until I didn't feel like I was in my own chat room. It was a similar experience for me with Google+, just didn't take as long once I stopped looking at it like Facebook.

Comment Re:Backdoors (Score 1) 402

Suffice it to say, I did leave the company because I couldn't take it. The company itself was phenomenal, but they hired and promoted from within the retail side of the we wound up with a lot of people who really had no place in IT, but due to their tenure weren't going to be leaving the position for who knows how long.

Comment Re:Backdoors (Score 1) 402

I completely agree with this, but I also have an undying commitment to my customers and when it's my name on the application and as the primary POC, you better believe I'm going to do everything I can to support my end users in any way I can.

Yes, I could've lost my job or got in the end, I would never condone it or defend it as reasonable, but I just couldn't stand to be shackled and ultimately cost the business more money by having an entire department sitting around with their thumbs you know where because of a stupid process.

Comment Re:Backdoors (Score 1) 402

Yep. I did this for a few of my applications. When the business would call and had a major problem that needed to be resolved immediately, I would use it instead of the 1+ hour of time and 5 additional people involved.

Was it "right"? No, but when the Production support/engineers are worthless, what is one supposed to do?

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