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Comment You sound like another socialist (Score 1) 8

Corporatism is about money, not productivity. So if the corporation can make more money by laying off more employees, then of course Management should be rewarded. And bonuses don't just get handed out to senior executives, but to all levels of Management, depending on how fast they can get people to work for the least amount of money.

It's often the little things that count, like knowing the names of your underlings and smiling at them and giving them a corporate Christmas card that can motivate them to work diligently and above and beyond the call of duty. It is the Management that has the intelligence to implement these creative, low cost solutions, so of course they should be rewarded. Management, if they weren't so benevolent, could just as easily outsource your job to someone else or to replace you with a robot. People should stop whining and just be glad to have a job.

Comment It's not about Fame, it's about Infamy (Score 1) 1

It's a lot more complicated than that. Though I can see the irony in "neutral" Switzerland collaborating with Nazis and infamous drug cartels, while enforcing another country's law that was broken 30 years ago. Clearly, if they were more interested in perusing war crimes I would have more sympathy for their fanaticism.

Comment FYI (Score 2, Insightful) 1

I posted a reply to Jamie's post:

People are making a big deal about a non-issue, and the media of course are profiting. There's nothing wrong with workers diverting themselves with a cup of coffee, some pornography or a game of solitaire. It improves morale and will actually make the workplace more productive in the long run. The time, money and effort Management spends on policing Internet usage could be more effectively used to increase productivity. Their paradigms need to be shifted. Management should be about managing; not policing, punishing, scolding, complaining or moralizing. If they can't manage then they should find other employment.

Comment Re:This article is misleading at best (Score 1) 504

People are making a big deal about a non-issue, and the media of course are profiting. There's nothing wrong with workers diverting themselves with a cup of coffee, some pornography or a game of solitaire. It improves morale and will actually make the workplace more productive in the long run. The time, money and effort Management spends on policing Internet usage could be more effectively used to increase productivity. Their paradigms need to be shifted. Management should be about managing; not policing, punishing, scolding, complaining or moralizing. If they can't manage then they should find other employment.

Comment Re:No shit sherlock (Score 5, Interesting) 157

Personally I would have counted video games as a commercial medium, the same as gift cards for example.

Which is pretty much how Andy Warhol approached art. Business and art are not (necessarily) distinct from each other. Production line art can be just as entertaining, beautiful or thought provoking as something drawn in a scenic mountainside retreat.

Comment Think of the Children (Score 1) 157

There has been an ongoing legal battle over the past few years about how and when game makers can use the likenesses of football players without their permission.

This is a case where people should stop thinking about lawsuits and royalties and start thinking of the children, because in the end, it's the kids that count.

Comment Re:the system works! (Score 1) 155

The fact that my posts get modded down as Trolls and posts like yours don't get modded down or even get modded upwards says a lot about the way large portions of the population are. The fact that you defend your behavior and won't admit that you are doing anything wrong is pathetic. Flames never had an effect on me, nor did bullies.

Comment Re:the system works! (Score 1) 155

I'm not an expert by any means but it sounds to me like you have a different social dysfunction (I'm not sure what though) and equated this with being honest.

To bring some reality here; I am presenting arguments, which by there very nature should be narrowly defined to the subject matter. Reality is far more complex than I can illustrate in a few sentences. There are people who actually seem to like me as well; unfortunately they don't tend to be Hiring Managers or Supervisors -:) If I could self-analyze, I would say that any possible social dysfunction that I do have is that I generally don't like to socialize or talk to people. Most people either bore me or irritate me, and I can't idle-talk with people without feeling like a Loser. I hate gossip and idle chatter, and that is the main type of talk that people engage in. I would tell jokes if people weren't inclined to be so easily offended or intellectually incapable of understanding irony. I suppose I would have enjoyed talking (arguing) with Socrates, but he was killed because his ideas were not very idle.

As numerous people have mentioned being honest tends to be highly valued by people.

There are some psychological facts that I read from various sources that I have etched in my mind. One is that over 60% of people lie in the first 10 minutes of a conversation, and the other is that most people tend to believe what other people say. That means that people have a tendency to lie, and they also have a tendency to believe the lies that are told to them. Also, people who lie the most are taught to lie by their parents and guardians. For example, if an infant tells grandpa he is fat, the parents may encourage that infant to lie and say something pleasant instead of being honest and tactful, or just letting it slide. This is an ongoing process of socialization that people value so much. Ever since I was a very young child I viewed things in terms of logic, and to me socializing children to tell the truth always seemed more logical than to socialize people to lie. I am obviously in the minority opinion. Though it's ironic, people think that lying will not offend people, but I've personally always been offended by "white" lies that people say to try to "protect" me. The excuses people make for their behavior is astounding. If you really questioned people deeply and are perceptive enough to realize and remember the inconsistencies then you may surprise yourself at how truthy you thought your friends, employers, employees etc really are.

So basically, lying is a social phenomena, and if most people are taught to lie then somebody like myself will inevitably be deviant in such social situations. The statistics only helped to validate my observations about people. It is certainly not surprising that people like yourself may find more honest people than not; because that's what the statistics indicate for everybody despite the untruthiness of average people.

It gets ironic too. People will argue that being truthful is dysfunctional and then when the opportunity to demonize lying becomes pertinent, they will claim lying is bad. People like this successful businessman will, almost always and on queue, validate their success through hard work and intelligence, and if or when they get found out, they will blame their failures on "external" factors like "mental illness".

I've personally been successful (however I do tend to be slightly less honest than you I think).

You're not telling me anything new here -:) Thanks at least for being honest about being dishonest.

In terms of bringing things up at work; well, that's a whole other story. I don't even tend to bother anymore. The people with good friends will get promoted, the people with good ideas will get ignored. That's one of the reasons why there are so many business failures. I won't even bother trying to socialize my way into anything because I know it's not me. If people can't value hard work, diligence, loyalty, or creativity then I will have to settle for last place. The people who claim they value these things are also the same type of people who say they value the suggestions placed into the suggestion box, and they are also the same type of people who say that I have a "bad attitude". Yeah, it's true, I have a "bad attitude", there's nothing to argue about here.

For example, you say "I told the senior employee who trained me on the equipment and who was working with me that we had to follow the company rules and not create safety hazards".

Fact is, I don't even know why I was fired. And that is just one example of many things that made me feel uncomfortable there. If you start complaining about your fellow employees you also risk getting labeled a trouble-maker by both management and your peers. It's certainly not something someone at the bottom of the totem pole should take lightly. In one company I found a Management review of an employee with the comment, "He has issues". He was fired shortly after.

It's a psychological fact that most people go around looking through things with rose colored glasses. I guess that's why people seem to view my unbiased observations as being negative or dysfunctional. I really try not to dwell on it too much.

Comment tea bagging party (Score 1) 22

Protesters who attended Saturday's Tea Party

I guess I should take some time to actualy RTFA. All this time I thought you guys were talking about teabagging parties. I thought it was another Republican thing, because I know they like page boys.

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